Chapter One

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AN: Here it is guys(:


I sigh as I continue to stare at the ceiling of my room. I've been in this room almost three days straight now. If someone notices I'm here today I may just stay here.

This is the third mental ward I've been in. It's not my fault. I just don't appreciate when the staff sucks balls. I actually have an okay feeling about this one. The nurses are kind enough and they said they have no tolerance for bullying. I've heard that before.

After a few more hours of nothing, I get up and slowly walk to the door. I know out of experience that hardly any food and water isn't really enough to keep a person healthy. I almost fall but catch myself on the unused bed in my room. They say I'm getting a roommate, but he won't be here for another two days.

When I open the door I am greeted with the overwhelming smells of the hospital and cleaning fluids and the brightness of the white hallway. I look at the clocks on either side of the hallway and see that it's a little past twelve. With the time that I was in my room, I memorized the map so I can find my way to the lunch thing by myself. When I walk in everyone stops to look at me. The nurses ignore my though so it must be a normal thing for people to walk in late.

There's about five tables with five chairs on each side. To say that everyone is spaced out would be an understatement. There's about 16 people there, including myself and if they're sitting around anyone its one or two people.

I slowly make my way to the fifth table and sit there with my tray of food. I don't know why but I decide to ignore my original plan. Normally I have a roommate when I get there so I have someone to talk to. Well I don't talk to them. I haven't really spoken in a few months.

I realized that when you say things people can twist your words and use them to manipulate you. You slip up once and they'll never forget. When you don't talk, people can't take your words seriously if you don't use words. That's just the tip of my problem iceberg.

But I try not to think about it too much. I've learned that it makes me extremely upset.

I finished eating without even realizing it, seeing as I got lost again. It's a horrible habit but I can't help it. A voice comes on the intercom announcing that we are to report to group therapy. Everyone, including myself, stands up and throws away their food. Then everyone, but me, goes to the group therapy thing. I just slip back into my room.

I need music, I think to myself. Music is the only thing that brings back the few good memories. I got to see and meet so many idols and people who helped me. In fact, at one point I asked my parents to get me a guitar but they didn't see a future in it so they made me tale more honor role courses. I dropped them without their knowledge though.

After about an hour or so the intercom came on again saying to go to the game room. I debate on whether or not I should go for a bit, but I decide that I have to meet everyone at some point.

This time when I walk in there's only seven or eight people there. I walk and sit on the love seat that's put in a corner near the window. Looking out the window, I see the outer part of the hospital. It has some trees here and there and a few pairs oh swings. It looks nice but I don't know if we are allowed out there alone. I close my eyes, wishing for my iPod.

A few moments later I feel someone sit next to me. I open my eyes and move my ginger hair out of my eyes and look over to see a man with a hoodie and a beanie on. Behind his ear is a tattoo of a skull and crossbones and on his hand he has a tattoo of a rose. He smiles at me and puts his hand out awkwardly. "Hi, I'm Alex."

I shake his hand then put my hand out palm facing him. On my hand I wrote 'Alan.' He looks at my hand and smiles. "I see. You don't talk. You're new?" I feel relived that he seems nice enough. I decide to act like i haven't been int my room that whole time and nod. ''That's cool man." he says. He looks away and we just kind of awkwardly sit there. I am curious about this man, but I can not break my rule. I can't mess things up if I don't talk, right?

It turns out they like keeping us in this room a lot. At around five we get told to go to the cafeteria to eat dinner. Alex turns to me and says, "I could take you there if you'd like?" At the end of the sentence his voice got higher so it sounds like a question. I nod and he leads us to the cafeteria. When we get there I just take random things and Alex takes a salad.

Together, we walk over to where I sat earlier. We sit in silence until he speaks up. "So, you weren't at group therapy?'' Again his voice rose at the end. I'm not really sure how to respond so I just look down and shrug.

"Can you talk?" He asks.


"Will you talk?"

I shake me head no.

"Am I annoying you?"

I stop and think. I shake me head no. Its nice to have a friend.

"Okay. Good." He smiles and I can't help but smile back. "After this we have free time. Do you maybe wanna hangout or something?" I can already tell he's an awkward person, but he actually wants to be around me so I nod.

"Okay. Cool." We get up and throw away our food, mine hardly touched.

We ended up talking a lot in free time. Well he talked and I wrote in a notepad thingy. I learned that he lived in Baltimore, he likes music, he can sing, and he used to be in a band. I told him just basic information like where I lived and stuff.

"Hey tomorrow, if you'd like, I could introduce you to my friend, Jack," He suggests, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. I nod and we start to walk to our separate rooms.

I wave goodbye and he says goodnight and we turn our own ways. It's really nice because he lives right across the hall.

When I get in my bed I lay there and think. I think this might be one that I stay at for awhile.


Hi loves! How'd you like it? I feel like it could be better but this is what I have so this is what I'm posting. Please give me feedback.


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