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Shows what happened last time
Shows what's to come on this episode
Overviews The House
Shows Onika watching them fight
Shows her face turning red
Title appears: The devils advocate 😈👺

Cris runs around the house
Zoe finds Jhene and Kylie by the bar
Jhene: Bitch Wassup ?

Zoe grabs Jhene
Jhene drags Zoe onto the bar
Jhene Beats Her Head in
Cris comes in
Security grabs her
Jhene slams Zoe
Security grabs jhene
Zoe gets up and sucker punches jhene
Security breaks the fight up

Kylie: Haha bitch !
Zoe: Bitch Stfu
Kylie tries to run up
Kylie: Make me
Jhene throws a pan at security trying to hit Cris
Cris : let me go !
Jhene int* idgaf about this bitch yes I threw a mf pan because that bitch deserved it
Security calms everybody down and puts them in different rooms

The moms walk in from they massages
Jocelyn: Wtf is going on
Nadia: omg
Lisa int * we walk into a house full of mess and it's just crazy all I wanna do is find Zoe
Jocelyn walks to Jhene
Kris: omg what happened
Kylie: we fought mom
Jocelyn int* I should have known leaving the daughters here alone was a bad idea
Kylie & Jhene explain what happened
Ken sighs
Ken int* this house is slowly aggravating me and I am at my breaking point to where I'm ready to leave like they fight other people's battles and do all this nonesense for what
Security: Can We Have Everybody in the living Room !
Everybody walks to the living room
Shows the producer coming in
Zoe int * I see the producer coming in the 1st thing I can think is Oop somebody is going home
Producer: this is way to unacceptable
The girls look
Producer: You Girls Are On Fighting Lockdown Nomore Fighting for this week and I'm putting a few of y'all in hotels until tmmr
Onika int * 😐 nobody is going home? Tf this is ridiculous... The producers don't want nobody to go home but I'm sending some body home soon 😊

Scene changes
Next day

Jhene kylie & ken come back from the hotel
Jhene int * I plan on having a calm day and Lola is coming so I guess that's good
Jocelyn cooks breakfast

Shows Nadia and Onika talking *
Onika: I don't like them girls
Nadia: let's get them out
Onika: finally u come to your senses
Nadia int * my daughter is right this house is over crowded with girls on they period so they can leave the house
Nadia: this house is way to dramatic and I'm ready to turn shit up
Onika int * I don't know when it's going to happen... How it's going to happen...but ! The moment I can get the jenners out I will 😊😊😊😊
Onika: mom when the time is right I will blow this mf up
Nadia smiles

Scene changes...

Ken goes outside to jhene and Kylie
Ken: Lemme Talk To y'all real quick
Jhene : Wassup ?
Ken: I don't want y'all to feel like y'all have to fight my battles or protect me
Ken cries
Jhene & Kylie hug her
Ken: Because I don't wanna see none of y'all go home because y'all my bitches tho Fr.
Jhene: we have your back no matter what don't feel like we fought for no reason we fought for a reason
Kylie int* my sisters just crying and crying and I'm like why is she so upset like it's ok
Ken: It was just petty so that's why I didn't say anything
Kylie: And That's The Issue You Don't Say Anything You Hide It From Yourself Which Is Going To Tear You Apart
Ken nods
Ken int* I have a backbone I just don't feel the need to be fighting and carrying on with a bitch that's below me

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