Chapter 4: "The Clash!"

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 I'm only going say this—love is a wild creature that cannot
be tamed. It's unconditional. And although it sometimes makes you
feel like one small person against this big old world, you must remember
you are the world to one particular person. - Astral" 
― Candice Knobel, Embracing the Flames.

Zoey's POV

As my vision disappeared like a smoke in the air, I felt heavy feeling.
This was different. As if there was something or should I say, "someone" on top of me.
Perhaps the stranger.
STRANGER? Seriously? What he was doing on top of me?
The next thing I absorbed, there was a warm breath touching my neck. A husky yet a familiar voice murmured something. But I can't distinguished what he was saying, because I was still blunt and my mind refused to recognized it, but my body was so aware that there was someone touching me with pleasure, desire, sens...

"Hey lady! WATCH OUUUT!" A loud and sharp shrieked cut my daydreaming and made my all senses came back to reality.

"Turn it to left!" He suddenly turned his red mountain bike on the right side which caused him bumped the sacks of flour and powdered himself.
Have you eaten espasol? Yes. Just like that. The walking espasol in Manhattan I must say.

He went down to his bike possessed by a devil spirit.

"What the heck! Are you blind? Can't you see I am coming?" He stormed out.

I can't help but laugh. He was full of flour powder all over his hair, face, body. As in, from head to toe!
The moment he spit words towards me, all the flour spitted on his mouth. Just like a monster in fairytale, which made me laugh even harder at him.

"YOU'RE SO UNBELIEVABLE! HOW DARE YOU MAKING FUN WITH ME?" His brows were knitted in pure irritation.

"Hahahahaha! You're... s... so... cute!"

"WHAT THE HELL! Are you insulting me?"

"Hahahaha!" I let out a burst of laugh when another sack of flour suddenly poured on his back.

"Jesus!" As he screamed out and automatically ran his fingers on his disheveled hair.

I held my stomach on the genuine laugh that unleashed me.
In just a snap, my full attention diverted to this unknown man.
What a nice show to start the day!

"Hahaha-haha-haha! Are you alright?" I saw him leaning forward with me. I can't figure it out what he was holding, due to the moist of tears in my eyes.
He was walking so fast. Like a thunder, ready to divide heaven and earth.

Without a blink of an eye, he fearlessly poured the bag of flour in my head.


What did he just... Oh shit!

"Hahahahaha!" I heard him laughing hard with me. Mimicking the blast I gave to him.

"Hahaha-haha-haha! You're... s... so... cute!" He added with an exact tone and pitch I did to him not so awhile back.

Is he out of his mind? Where's the effin' justice here?

"You crazy? Oh! What kind of question is that! Of course... YOU ARE! Stupid crazy man with the BIG slash I/don't/have/an/idea/where/is/my/right/and/left/thing!" I retorted at him. With wild voice, fierce expression, with an emphasis and with unbearable irritation!

"HUH! Now you know how it feels! You sleepy head lady with the BIG slash l/don't/have/the/idea/where/is/the/proper/way/of/taking/the/freaking/nap! Plus, I am having my sleep walking in the middle of the road which are just intended for vehicles and humans that have fully awaken mind and body!" Mr. Espasol fired out.

That was too much... TOO BAD!

"Excuse me! I don't know what are you trying to imply! But why don't you try once in a while to tighten the loosen screw in your mind? FYI, I am not having my sleep walking in this wide and spacious road!"

"Then why your eyes were shut? Take note, in the middle of this freaking road! For God's sake!"

"I... I just... That's none of your business! The issue here is why did you pour me this powder? You're so ridiculous!"

"You deserve it!" And he turned his back to me. Gripping his bike that was lying on the sea of flour.

"Wait! How dare you saying those words to me! And how dare you turning your back when I am on this state? Don't you have a mother that taught you good manners?"

There was an awkward silence for a moment, as if I go beyond my limitation.
But I don't give a damn, I am so furious. I want to teach him a lesson.
This arrogant stupid bastard! You deserve to eat the book of Values Education with the module of Good Manners and Right Conduct for your desert!

For that, gimme five! (Evil laugh)

"What now? Will just standing there like a deer caught in head light? Saying "I am sorry" with a sincere heart would mean a lot to me." I frowned and acting like a teacher lecturing his student for doing not so good action.

"What did you just say?" He finally opened his mouth

"Repeating what I've said just only proves how stupid you are." I snapped back with confidence and conviction.




"How... HOW DARE YOU!"

"So, you think I'll get scared with that kind of voice? As in duuuh? Grow some balls!"

He looked and examined me intently. He then pointed his fingers to my mouth.

"Those words. Those actions. I would never have a second thought if your boyfriend broke up with you OR your groom ditched you in your wedding. Have some manners PLEASE! You're so unladylike." As he said in a firm tone. His eyes were blazing like a ball of fire.


Shit! I remembered again  my ex-fiance. The only man who  accepted the real me. The man who changed my life. And the man who made this deep wound in my heart.

I hate him!  Yes I hate him!

Okay Zoey. Speak to this arrogant man. Don't loose the battle. I forced myself  to say even a mono-syllabic word, but no words want to come out.

This shit hit my veins!

"Okay lady in sleep walking soul, if you don't have any harsh words to say, I'll be heading now because I still have something "more important" thing to do, than..." He paused for a seconds and continued saying, "NONSENSE ISSUE. And please just a friendly reminder, don't close your eyes especially in the middle of the road. Just don't close your eyes, em? I'll go ahead, hope that I won't see you anymore." He said in a husky voice as he finished with a smirked. 



Hi my lovely readers! <3

It's been a long time and the long wait is finally over! I've been aching and dying just to make an update, and I finally made it! Yay!

How are you guysh? What do you think on the meet-up of these two buns? Hahaha. Have you eaten Espasol? This pretty interesting. Share your thoughts!

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Love y'all.


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