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Jason's p.o.v.

Why was Miley being such a bitch? I'm so over her acting like this. Why the hell are women so confusing? I thought I was helping her out because she never stands up for herself and all the people at school make fun of her. Why would she lets them do that to her, I have no idea. She doesn't deserve that. I wish she wouldn't let people walk all over her. She let people at school say whatever they wanted about her and did nothing to stop them.

She is so hard to understand, half the time I'm not sure if she is telling the truth or lying. She is hard to read and she acts strange around me when we aren't talking about 'gang issues'. We hung out before but now it's just awkward. 

Is it because of the kiss? Did I do something wrong? It is always something with her. I am beginning to worry about her; is something wrong? Is she involved in something that she didn't want me knowing about? Or was she just trying to keep her distance from me? I can't help but shake this annoying feeling.

I never worry about anyone, especially a girl. It is every man for himself in this type of business. The gang knows I am like that, they know I don't get involved in anything that could affect, or harm, me. I am playing games with Miley, I promised myself I would never play.

Miley's p.o.v.

What am I getting myself into? Why am I allowing myself to even talk to Jason. I felt a weird vibe around him. Is it because of what is brewing within the gangs? Am I afraid that something might happen to him? Or was it because I knew I would end up hurting myself if I kept hanging out with him? 

I tried to get ride of my raging thoughts as I walked upstairs to my room. My dad isn't home, what a surprise there. As soon as I walk into my room I felt something is off, someone was here, or even still here and it wasn't Jason. Looking around my room I noticed a familiar figure standing in the corner.

"Micah. Micah is that you?" I asked walking further into my room.

"Hi Miley." He said walking towards me. It is Micah. I have not seen him in years. He used to be in the old gang with me, until he got kicked out. We actually dated for a little while. Then Max, he is the leader of the gang, would never let us see him again. He said he betrayed us. I never asked anything else because Max would get pissed if anyone talked back to him, or questioned him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked after I set my bag down.

"I could ask you the same question. I heard from someone back in New York that you moved." He replied.

"So you tracked me down?" I asked. I am so shocked that he even showed up considering how things ended.

"I tracked you down through your father." He said sitting down.

"Why the fuck would you do that. You know everything about my parents. You know better then to even attempt that shit. I may hate my father but I would like to keep him alive. Why would you do something like that?" I asked getting upset. Nothing about this situation seemed okay.

"Look, I didn't mean to upset you. You think you know everything about the old gang and even Max, but you don't. I'm not the bad guy. I know that you have been in touch with the gang but Max is using you. You trusted me before, can't you trust me now?" He pleaded. 

"I wasn't kicked out of the gang or whatever Max told you. I left the gang. This whole war going on now is way bigger than you imagined." He said as he walked closer towards me.

"You are kidding me, right? Why is the Max using me?" I asked. This didn't make sense but, then again, nothing seems to make sense lately.

"Max is using you to get to Jason's gang. He wants to make them look like a 'bad gang', like they are the ones whom are stirring things up. I'm not totally sure why but they have been targeting certain gangs around the world, messy ones and clean ones. I think he wants to start a war. I know some of this makes no sense. I just want to make sure you are not involved in this." He said sounding desperate.

"I know Jason, I have worked with him and his gang before and I came here to warn you and them. Please trust me on this." He said, basically begging for me to believe him. Some of the things he has said made sense but I am not sure who to believe anymore.

"Let's go talk to Jason." I said grabbing my bag and keys. Although I really didn't want to see Jason, I knew he would make sense of this whole situation.

Originally Published: 2013

Edited: 2016

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