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Jason's p.o.v.

I ran outside of the bar and looked both ways, but she was gone. When I saw her face, my heart stopped. It was like she never left. Something was definitely different about her. It took me a while to get over her; in fact I'm still not over her. She meant a lot to me but she left and I could never understand why she did. 

When Aussie came back without her I knew it was for real, she was gone, and she was no longer mine. I couldn't understand why it happened. Did I do something wrong? I tried so hard to find her but I couldn't. I looked and looked. I tracked her but each time I thought I found her it wasn't her. I forced myself to get up every day after she left because I had to move on and embrace the fact that I would never see her again. Until now, she was here. I don't know how long she would stay but she was here.

Not once did she look at me, even when she told me that Max was the one who killed my parents. I wondered why she wouldn't look at me. Was it because she couldn't face me? Or maybe she hated my guts. I knew that Max killed my parents. Max actually told me he did. He also told me he killed Miley's. 

He told me that he was originally involved in this war. But he left, he joined the other side. He now lived here in West Port. He is staying here, he had known people were after him but he didn't know who. From what just happened I could tell Miley really hated Max.

Max told us that she was dead although I didn't believe it. I knew with everything inside me she was alive. He tried to convince me but I never bought into it. Neither did Aussie or Chad.

Aussie never talked about Miley after she left, I wondered why. I wondered what happened that day. I asked him questions about it but he always changed the subject or walked away. He wasn't surprised that she came here today which meant he knew something. He was hiding something from me. Chad and I were shocked and Max seemed to be intrigued more than surprised. 

I feel like I am missing something. I didn't get what she said before she left. Someone was clearly using her to get to Max and they had something to use against her, but what? She seems pretty care free. She seems to not take what happened personal but she looked scared yet she wasn't scared for herself. She embraced death; she always seemed to embrace death. I know that something is off.

I don't work with Max and I never will. In fact, I'm not really involved in a gang anymore. Aussie and Ryan run the old gang. They sometimes work with Max because he knows what is going on; he gives them what they want in return for protection. I came to the bar with Chad to meet up with Aussie; I was getting ready to move away. 

Not many people knew that. I wanted it that way. Most everyone knew I wasn't involved in any gangs. I was getting away while I could. So was Chad. He was like a brother to me and we are both moving away together. Now that Miley is back I had to figure out why she is here.

"What was that about? Why is she here? Who is using her?" I screamed walking back into the bar.

"I don't know." Max said not even caring.

"What about you Aussie? What was the deal with what she said to you? What haven't you told me?" I screamed getting in his face. He seemed pretty shocked. I hadn't lost my temper in a long time but I need to know.

"I can't talk about this." Aussie said shaking his head in disbelief.

"Considering someone is using her, I think you can." He sighed sitting down in an empty chair.

"After everything with graduation happened, she lost it. She broke down in front of me when I came to check on her in the cabin. She cried and cried. She blamed herself for what happened to you; she said that it was all her fault, that she is the blame. I couldn't understand why. I tried to calm her down but she wouldn't listen to me." Aussie started.

"She believed it was her fault. Then she started talking about death. She said that we would all die because of her. Then she found out about her dad. She didn't cry but she was a mess. I tried talking to her again but all she could talk about was leaving now before it was too late. I tried to ask her why she was leaving but all she said was that she couldn't let them kill you because of her." Aussie stopped running his hand through his hair. I was frozen as I tried to make sense of what he is saying.

"Miley made Markus and I help make sure that you leave her alone so she could leave. When we got out of the driveway she cried. She made me promise to make sure you moved on, that you fought, and wouldn't give up. She made me promise to never tell you about any of this." He shook his head. "When Max came into town and we started working together I asked him about Miley and what happened. He had a gang of men go rape and murder her mom when she was home sound asleep upstairs. They left a note that said; 'Everyone who you ever love will die because of you' she became really depressed after that. Max said she faced reality and made a promise to herself that she would never love anyone. I guess that's why she blamed herself and left." He said. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked walking toward him.

"I made a promise to a broken girl whom I thought I would never see again. When I found out the whole story, it all made sense. Miley wanted you to move on. I was surprised that you never did and now you are moving on from the gang. I do know that she loves you. I could tell that's why she didn't look at you, she would have broken down if she did." Before he could finish, I grabbed Max by the collar of his shirt and threw him against a wall nearby.

"I swear to God if you mess with her again, talk to her, send people to hurt her I WILL kill you. Stay away from her." I said pushing him back. Chad grabbed my shoulder before I could do anything else and pulled me out of the bar. I would have killed Max right then and there if I could.

"We have to find her." I said gritted my teeth.

"Already on it," He said getting into the car.

Miley's p.o.v.

"Thanks for doing business with us." He smiled. "Your flight leaves tomorrow morning and like we discussed you will never be bothered by us or Max ever again." He said handing me my ticket.

"Thanks," I nodded. I knew I would be safe and so would my secret. 

I left in a hurry; I needed to get away, somewhere safe but familiar. Maybe my old house, it just sits there untouched. I got in my car and drove there. I could be safe there. I walked inside and upstairs. My room hasn't changed, it's just like I left it the day I left for graduation. Nothing was moved. 

The house belonged to me but I never did anything with it. I would have to put it up to be sold soon. I grabbed an old bag and put some stuff I wanted inside, like pictures of my dad, my mom, and I. There were also pictures of Jason and I at prom. I still can't believe it has been two years, time flies.

I walked into the kitchen and I saw that there were two shadows behind me. I turned around I screamed as Jason's hand covered my mouth.

"It's Chad and I, calm down." He said. Chad chuckled from behind him.

"What the fuck are you guys doing here?" I screamed pushing Jason off me. 

God he has changed, he is stronger and his body shows that. He is more of a man now. I contemplated telling him but I don't want Max to know and if he works for him that could be bad news for me.

"We needed to find you. What happened tonight at the bar?" Chad asked making himself at home.

"I don't want to talk about that." I said furthering myself away from Jason. 

"We don't work with Max. In fact, we are leaving this god forsaken town tomorrow. Or we were until you showed up. Jason and I quit the gang." Chad said making my stop in my tracks.

"You what?" I basically chocked.

Originally Published: 2013

Edited: 2016

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