Chapter Three: Harry

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"Harry, man, you need to get up. You can't keep doing this to yourself." Louis stated as he pulled the bottle away from Harry. Niall helped Harry stand up, and Harry began to cry.

"Why won't I ever be good enough for her, Lou? I feel like I'm never going to be enough for her." Harry stated with tears streaming down his face.

"Fuck, man. You're good enough, you're better than her. But dude, you guys love each other so much. You're soulmates and made for each other. Total opposites, yeah but a perfect fit." Louis smiled while wrapping his arm around Harry's shoulders.

"I know. I fucking know. I love her so much. But I can't sit there and let her kill herself. I'm not going to sit in the sidelines and watch her die. She does wreckless shit all the fucking time, and I always save her." Harry stated abruptly.

"SO FUCKING WHAT, HARRY! Pull your goddamn head out of your ass. You did that shit too, you used to. Help her become a better person, and maybe you won't be sitting her balling like a little bitch on my couch." Louis was being aggressive.

"Fuck you." Harry chuckled.

"Fuck you, right back. Do you think you're going to go home now, or do you plan on staying her for a few?" Louis stated with a faint frown.

"I think I'm gonna spend the night here and then head home in the morning. Ya know, once I've thought about what I'm gonna do." Harry swung his legs upon the couch and grabbed the blanket off the floor.

"Well, goodnight man. I hope for the best for you, you're my best mate and I'd hate to see you throw this relationship out because you're a pussy." Louis stated walking out of the room, turning off the light as he left.

"Me too, I'd hate to throw this away." Harry mumbled to himself before closing his eyes and drifting off to a sleepless night, full of tossing and turning.

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