Chapter Five: Coming Home

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"Harry, have you gathered all your stuff?" Lou hollered  from the bathroom.

"Yeah, I believe so. Thanks for letting me crash here for so long, mate. Guess I gotta face my demons sometime." Harry chuckled as he smacked Louis on the back before walking out.

"Alright, good luck dude. Let me know if you need anything." Louis yelled out the apartment door before shutting the door abruptly. Harry walked to his car with his bag, and pondered what was going to happen once he walked into the door of their apartment. Before he knew it, he was in the car and continuing down the street.

What felt like hours, was merely thirteen minutes. He was outside, and his anxiety was higher than the car roof. He began to feel trapped while thinking about what was going to happen once he walked into that apartment. Harry stepped out of the car, the November air hitting his face with a sting. He bustled up the stairs to apartment 301, he took a deep breath in before sliding his key in the front door.

I was laying down on the couch, the living was clean when Harry took everything in. He was watching me intently, and I sat up. Not wanting to break the silence, I looked forward at the wall.

"We need to talk." Harry finally whispered after what felt like an eternity. I looked at my feet, while nodding my head. Harry let out a big breath before walking over to the chair by the window.

"Keely, these past couple of days have been rough. You know that, I know that. I love you with every fiber in my being. I try to understand that you can change, and that you will. But when? When the fuck are you going to change? You can't keep doing shit that is going to kill you. If you died, I'd be so lost. I would never want to go on without you, the thought alone fucking kills me. It makes my heart ache."

I let out a sob, "I'm sorry..." Harry cut me off.

"No, I'm not done. I have a lot more to say than just that,' Harry trailed off for a moment. "You are the love of my life, the reason the sun rises and the stars are bright. But I refuse to sit here and watch you throw your life away. I hate to say this, but if  I don't say it now, I'm going to regret it. Keely, I love you but I have to leave. I am going to pack up my things, and go back home. I would love to still be involved in your life but not as a constant." Harry spit everything out while ripping my heart into two and throwing it onto the floor.

My body got hot, and I started to feel like I was going to throw up. My chest was aching, my stomach cramped. My heart was literally breaking and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Harry, I love you too. I'm incredibly sorry that I'm such a fucked up piece of shit. You have all of my heart, and if you feel like you can no longer.." I trailed off with a sob. Harry silently wept as well. "When are you leaving?"

"I plan on leaving this weekend, so I will try to pack my things tomorrow." Harry refused to make eye contact. I studied his features.

Those eyes will never look at me with love and compassion again. Those lips will never kiss me when I'm feeling down, like I am right now. I will never hear his laugh when he tells stupid jokes. He will never tell me I'm looking beautiful. He will be doing this for someone else within a few months. I felt the air leave my lungs, and my chest tightened. I couldn't breath, this was worse than breaking a bone. I'd rather break one-hundred bones before losing my love.

Harry stood up, and walked into our room. I couldn't say anything, I just was able to watch him walk away with tears in my eyes. Harry walked out after a few moments, with a bag in his right hand.

"I'll be staying in a hotel, I will send you the address when I get there. I promise, I love you and I'm sorry." Harry said while walking to the door.

And just like that, my heart was leaving with my future.

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