Thirteen: Sides

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RLAN (Really long authors note): *walks in slowly, holding laptop as sheild* Hi guys. *breath* I feel like such a wimp right now, being back here with all of you. It's been more than a year since I officially added to this story.  Somehow you guys still read it, and I honestly don't understand because I would have given up so... Thank you. The last part is entirely for you and I kind of expressed myself better there.  As I said there, I actually did go back and rewrite the entirety of this story (which took up the majority of the year) It was messed up, but now I think it's better and I fully intend on updating this regularly until it is properly finished. I've done a lot of thinking on it, and I finally feel as if it could well. That's a rare feeling for me, but... I like  it. 

So thanks a million if you're one of my old readers reading this. Thanks a bunch if you're new as well, I appreciate every single second of your time. Over this year I've come to realize that writing is something I'll never be able to avaiod doing, and without you guys... I don't know If I would have ever come to this conclsion. It's not really my place to be asking for anything after the pain I put you all through but if you could leave a comment expressing yourself it would make me happy. Even if you just want to tell me thi sucks go for it! 

Right. *big breath* Here's your next chapter. If you haven't made sure that you're caught up please do so because you'll be terribly confused. This is really short and kind of a filler chapter, but it maters. I hope you like it. Also that you're still here, reading with me. I'm already working on the next part so don't worry; I'm not flaking out again after this. 

Thank you... SO much, 

Genera :)

Thirteen: Sides

“I don’t know how you always manage to cheat, Miss Gold, but I assure you that cheaters never prosper.”

      “You lose so terribly.” Her cheeks are as red as her hair. “It makes me not want to play with you.”

         “Nonsense. You love playing with me.”

         “If that is what you want to believe.”

I exhale, lying back against the tree behind me. Did she realize that I had taken her back to the precise location of our Blackjack game? “I am not accustomed to losing in chess.”

         “That much is apparent.” She bats her eyes dramatically. “I should charge you money for each excuse.”

         “You would be a very wealthy lady.”

Alana nods, her eyes glancing to the quickly setting sun. “I suspect your brother will be waiting for us.”

         “Blake has a terrible sense of timing. He won’t leave Elizabeth’s until the sun has been hidden for hours,” I squint slightly. “Did you want to talk about something?”

She looks back to me, her eyes innocent. “No I…I was just wondering for your sake.”

I give her a look, but busy myself with the removal of the chess pieces. “They’ve been courting for nearly three years now. Elizabeth is like a cousin to me.”

         “There is no need to–“

         “I never explained myself,” I assured, pushing the board into its case. “The day I joined the Witherworth’s for dinner, she walked in on a conversation between Blake and I about the Christmas party. He hadn’t told her, and they had an awful fight. Blake was miserable, and I ended up going to Elizabeth’s house and talking to her about it.”

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