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"I..I.. will." I answered with a smile and I was pulled into a warm brace and was kissed passionately.

"Finally." He said as he kissed me one more time.

"Yay, sisy and Rayson." said Cathrina. I laughed at what she called Rashon.

"Are you girls ready to go?" he asked. I nodded taking Cathrina's hand.

Before we started walking, Rashon took hold of the other hand, and intertwine are fingers. They fitted perfectly together even though his was way larger than mines. It just felt so right. When we were walking, out of the mall, to go get some furniture, Rashon's phone rings.

'Rashons convo'(POV)


Boss:Hey prince Megan is pickin up Cathrina, while you and Liz go more shopping ok


Boss:Megan should be there now



'Liz POV'

"Who was that?" I asked.

"That was yo dad saying dat Megan is coming to pick Cathrina up." he replied.

"Did he say why, and where?" I asked.

"So we can have some alone time." He winked at me, and I'd blushed." And she is suppose to picking her up right here."

Then right on cue, here comes Megan pulling up right in front of us. In the car I see two girls, and three boys.

"Hi baby!" Megan said.

"Hi." Cathrina answered.

"Oh I wasn't talking to you, but hi to you too." she said looking at Rashon.

"Then who in the hell you talking to!?" I snapped

"Ugh, not you, but anyway, get in the damn car Cathrina." Megan said.

Cathrina gave me a kiss on the cheek, and got in the car like she was told. >God please let this crazy woman take care of my baby sister<.>

"Are you ready bae?" Rashon asked.

I smiled at what he called me. I guess I can get use to this new relationship. We walked to the car hand, in hand. And like a gentleman he opened my door. I looked at him in awe.>He does the sweetest things when he wants too<.>

"So I figured." He started." Since were alone, and that we got time, today finna be our first date." he stated.

I looked at him crazy. " I'm not really dressed up fo a date." I exclaimed.

"Sure you is." he laughed." Dis is a casual date baby, not those fancy dates...yet." he finished.

I smiled, and looked out the window." So were are we going?" I asked.

"Its a surprise." he replied.

I gave him the are ' Are you for real' look. And he just chuckled.

"Don't give me dat look. You know you like surprises anyway." he said.

"Not all the time." I mumbled, and started to stare out the window again.

On our way to the surprise place, was a comfortable silence. I kept glancing over Rashon, who always had a smirk on his face. "What you smirkin bout?" I finally asked. His smirk grew wider, and he just shook his head. I sighed, and carried on to look at the window. Then  noticed we weren't on the road anymore. We were on a trail. He stopped and parked the car, then look at me.

I Had To Move To The HoodWhere stories live. Discover now