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(Chaerins POV)

I walked out of the office and slammed the door behind me, trying to hold back the tears that started to fill my eyes. I was feeling chocked up but I didn't want to show anybody I was hurt so I ran out as fast as I could and made my way back to what has now become my home.

"Chae. You're back early. Is everything okay?" haerin asked as soon as I walked through the front door. I looked at her as she shuffled around on the sofa, trying to find a comfortable position.

"Yeah.." I mumbled before walking away into my room. I locked the door and fell onto my bed. That was it. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore and I found myself sobbing uncontrollably.

"Baby Rin. Please come out" my sister whined as she knocked on the door. I ignored her constant attempts to try to get me out and after a while the noise died down and she gave up.
My sobbing softened as my eyes started to ache. 'What happened to me?' I questioned myself. 'Why would he do that to me. Why would he do that?' I rubbed my eyes a little and sat up on the bed as I waited for my eyes to adjust. I looked at my alarm clock on the bedside cabinet. 22:37 already. Time seemed to have flew by me. 'I should probably get some sleep' i thought to myself.
I crawled underneath the covers and curled up into a ball.

For the next two hours after that I tossed and turned. I couldn't get the image of him out of my mind. How forceful he was with me. The way he looked at me. The Cold and evil look in his eyes. It haunted my thoughts to the point where I was too afraid to sleep incase anything would happen. I sat up and looked at my alarm clock again. 00:46. 'God damn it'
I forced myself to get up and picked up the blanket that was at the end of the bed before walking over to the door. I slowly unlocked and opened the door, afraid that I would awaken my sister. I didn't want her to worry about me. I snook out of the bedroom and into the living room where I sat on the sofa, the blanket wrapped tightly around my body. I stared blankly into the darkness, unable to cry anymore. It was as if my tears had run out. I'd cried as much as I could. I tried to think about my childhood memories. When Appa, Umma, Haerin and I had been a proper family. Those were the memories I loved the most. However, no matter how much I thought of those memories, the memories of Jiyong still wouldn't leave my mind.

He was like my idol. Loved and loathed by all. That had been my dream since I was a kid. I had always wanted to be a performer and so I looked up to Jiyong. When I found out I got to work with him I was over the moon, yet now everything is ruined. All of my childhood dreams are ruined because the man I looked up to the most turned out to be a monster. A monster who would always be in my mind.

Another couple of hours past and my entire body started to ache. I sat and felt the energy slowly drain from my body but again, I dragged myself to the bedroom and tucked myself into bed. Now, I was finally able to fall to sleep. I closed my tired eyes and succumbed to the darkness that took over my sight.

[------------next morning-----------]

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I released a soft groan from between my lips. My eyes still felt heavy from the late night and constant crying. My heart sank as the memory from the previous day came into my mind. I blackmailed him into giving me the job. I now regretted this decision because I'd put myself in a position where I was made to face him. I had to go in. I jumped at the sudden ringing of my phone and quickly reached to grab it.


"Chaerin-ah. Haerin called me last night. She said you had locked yourself in your room and she heard you sobbing. What's going on, Chaerin?" I furrowed my eyebrows a little, angry that my sister had told Appa what was happening. I didn't want him to worry. I didn't want anybody to worry and that's why I made the decision to never tell anybody about what happened in the office.

"Ani, Appa. It's nothing to worry about. I suppose it's just the stress getting to me, that's all" I smiled a little, my voice sounding believing.

"Ah, Chae. You make me worry about you sometimes. If getting this job means you're going to be getting upset all the time then I don't want you to have this job"

"Ani! Appa, I'll be fine. I told you, it's nothing to worry about. I'll be fine, Appa. Trust me" I heard him chuckles down the phone which lifted my spirit a little. All I wanted was for my family to be happy, so the sound of his chuckle was like a sign that everything was going to be okay.

"Okay. I love you"

"I love you too, Appa" I smiles widely before ending the call and placing my phone back down on the bedside. My glance shifted up to the clock and the time silently screamed out for me to get up and get ready. I released another soft groan beiges dragging myself sleepily out of bed to get ready.

Once I had dressed I made my way towards the front door. At first I was hesitant to open it, debating in my mind whether or not I should go into the office today. 'You can do this, Chae. Show him you're strong. She him you're better than this.' I nodded and took a deep breath in and out before opening the door and walking out.

[------------at the office------------]

I knocked on the office door weakly. My body still ached and my heart beat at 100miles per hour just knowing who was behind that door. Was I ready to face him?
Before I had time to even assess the situation I heard the cold "come in" that I hadn't heard for a while. My body started to tremble as I opened the door. I held my head up high and looked at him, trying my best to seem strong. But, the truth is; inside I was falling apart. He looked at me with that same cold and evil look he had before.

"Oh. Look what the cat dragged in." Her said sharply as he sat down on his chair at his desk. "Well then?" I paused and looked at him with a slightly confused expression. He suddenly stood up again and I flinched back. "Get on with your work." He told me, his voice full of authority. I couldn't hide my fear anymore. I quickly nodded and ran over to the desk.

"I...I need to get your measurements Mr. Kwon" I told him as I picked up the tape measure on the table. He walked around to me and stood a few centimetres away. I felt the heat of his body and I could smell his scent. It made my stomach churn and I suddenly felt sickened by him.
"Put your arms up please" I asked him. He looked me directly in the eye as he held his arms up in a surrender position. I tried my best to avoid eye contact and quickly wrapped the tape measure around his torso. I leant over the desk to write down the measurements when I suddenly felt his arm on my shoulder. My heart skipped a beat and I angrily nudged him off.

"Miss Lee. Please. I just wanted to say sorry for yesterday. Please.." You could hear hurt and sorry in his voice. I slowly turned to look at him  and he looked at me with saddened eyes. He scared me a lot. The power he had over me. I felt it. He had me under his control. I knew I shouldn't forgive him and I knew I wasn't safe when around him but I couldn't ignore that look in his eyes. I was trapped.

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