Take the Box...Mr.Jones.

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As the next six days went on Amy, during her studio times would allow Frank to move his stuff out, there was no problem, no seeing each other, until a bow was found. The bow was crimson red, the same one Valerie wore the six days prior. On the the 31st The studio cancelled all appointments it had, it was hosting a new year's eve party that it was also using to commemorate her on her album going platinum. Taking this down time for herself she drew a bath as she did so she sent a text to thomas "Dinner at my house?" He replied within a minute. "Yeah be over in ten."She smiled deaf to all outside noise, from the bathroom she was ignorant to the unlocking of her door. "Yeah Valerie, I'm getting the last of my stuff meet me here in ten. Frank said making his way to his former bedroom He'd assumed she'd left the water running. Taking a step in he heard the bath water had stopped and realized she was there. "Amy...." His voice quivered. "I'm in the bathroom." She spoke softly,no detectable anger or malice in her voice. "I just came to get the last of my stuff, I didn't know you'd be-"His breath cut out. "Frank come here." She said leaned against the back wall. He slowly made his way to the bathroom, ever so slowly taking a step through the doorway. "Frank what happened to us?" She queried with tear filled eyes. "It was supposed to be You and I Mr.Magic..." He nodded regretfully. "Yeah, I truly stuck the knife in first, huh?" She laughed dryly,"Yeah...which is why I need you to take that box back there Frank. It's full of stuff that I can't bear to stomach owning anymore." He shook his hand in protest. "No! I gave you all that stuff because I loved you!" She stood up looking at him as if he'd challenged her. "Keyword "Loved". I'm not keeping anything you gave me based on some falsified emotion Frank! Take the box!" Her sweet demeanor had now vanished. "Keep it!" He snarled. "I won't!" She protested now only inches from his face. "And there's nothing you can do to make me." She spat aggressively shoving him. She now finally pushed Frank too far, all of his emotions, his power, were put into one swift push, sending her flying, as she fell back her feet left her sinking her into the bathtub behind her where she hit her head rendering her unconscious. Thinking he'd done the ultimate, Frank backed away in horror, he backed into the bed where he fell like Amy did sinking into his mattress opposed to the water. Shaking erratically he couldn't believe what he'd done. Opening her eyes Amy drug herself out of the bathtub. "Amy..I'm so sorry..." he whispered. "I don't accept your apology." She said breathing heavily, dripping water. Frank bolted up, attempting to make a break for the door, but was intercepted by tackle from Amy sending them both over the bed. Frank fought to keep her off, but was slammed into her full length mirror shattering it, tiny shards of glass fell to the floor like the snow outside, having a tight grip on his shirt she ripped him off the mirror and onto the ground. Holding him to ground by his neck she began to bash his face in, compared to what she'd done to Valerie, Valerie had gotten off easy. Once she grew tired of punching him, she began to Strangle Frank. As she did so his nose began to bleed onto her carpet. He kept trying to pry her arms off but she remained unmoved. Searching for something to get her off of him with, he noticed a shard of the mirror. With his right hand he struggled to grab it, as his face became flushed and body began to tingle his vision became fuzzy as he was just barely able to get a grip on the shard. Nearing his end Frank quickly took a swing at her lodging the shard in between her breasts. Feeling her grip loosen upon impact he kicked her onto the bed. He coughed trying to retain air. Once his senses came back he noticed the sting of several cuts on his body, especially the gash across his hand where the glass dug in. Looking up to see amy stretched out across the bed, he knew there was no way she could come back from that, he began to panic and run. on his way out of the door he tripped catching himself on the hallway wall leaving a bloody print on the wall. As he hurried to his car he left the door open peeling out. Trying to get away from the scene of the crime he looked back, with a creeping suspicion he felt like he was followed, as he drove out into the main road an oncoming semi-truck hit his car, flipping it on it's top eventually crushing it as it flew into other cars. On her way to Amy's house several minutes later Valarie saw the accident and a body bag. "That looks a lot like Frank's car..." she muttered.

On the bed she laid there still, lifeless, the color of her caramel skin, drained away just like her life. As she laid there, with a shard of her full length mirror lodged deep between her breasts, it just stood there propped like one of her awards which had been scattered across the navy blue carpet. Aside from the bloody fingerprints it was forever stained with bloodied handprint on the wall it reflected upon. Her eyes frozen,solidified in place replaying the memory of her last moments, her last struggle, her last lover. Until they dulled at a scream. Valerie had walked in through the opened door, despite her warnings, her suspicions. The sight of her best friend murdered, hit her like a truck, knocking back against the bloodied handprint smearing it as she tried to run. She tripped down the stairs, on the third step from the top falling face first.her body fell forward bending her neck till it broke, from then on she felt nothing, the breaking of her arm and leg, not even the slamming of her head to the floor as her body rest on the stairs above her. As nothing but empty soullessness consumed her as her last breath left her lungs on the very last tier, she learned her last lesson: This is what happens when you think it's just you and Mr.Jones. What a Sweet Reunion.  

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