Defenders (9)

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“Dex, Violet, you did a great job cleaning this place up!” Hank smiled at us as my four teammates and I made our way into the meeting room the next day at ten o’clock at night. “I didn’t expect it to look this nice after all that water!”

“Thanks,” Dex shrugged, but I didn’t think he should have been taking any sort of credit. All he really did was sit around and order me around. The only reason he hadn’t left the room was because I had locked him in there with me.

Nay wasn’t in the room with us, and I was sure that there was a reason for it, so I didn’t question why.

“We have another mission for you,” Hank informed us now, and Aiden seemed to be the only one that was really excited about it. “Now, it's not like normal missions, it's still for training, but it's one to get you… used to what you're going to have to do. You won't be tailing Nay this time, and you don't have to make out with any of your teammates.”

I felt my cheeks burn. Had he really just said that out loud?

My three other teammates looked over at Dex and me because that was where Hank was looking at.  Their eyes went wide.

“Did he just say…” Anthony blinked. I wanted this conversation to be over. “Did he just say that you two made out?”

“I'm not surprised,” Aiden shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. “It always seems to be the ones that seem to hate each other, doesn't it?”

I scowled at my team's leader. “It wasn't like it was something we wanted to do. We only did it so we wouldn't be seen by Nay.”

Hank chuckled. “But you wounded up being seen by Nay anyway.”

“Don't remind me,” both Dex and I muttered at the same time.

I was surprised that Kristie hadn't said anything. She seemed like the kind of girl that would squeal after finding out that her friend had made out with a boy. Not that I was her friend or anything; she just thought I was.

Finally, she giggled. “How cute!”

Dex and I couldn't help but disagree.

“Anyway,” Hank continued on now. “I’ll tell you who’s paired up with who for this mission.”

“Oh, no. You’re not pairing us up again after what happened last time,” I scowled, refusing to allow them to decide who I was going to have to spend my time with. “I’d rather go alone.”

Hank smiled at me. “It’s good you feel that way, Violet! Because you’re the one we picked to be by themselves this time.”

I heard Dex snort. “She’ll get herself killed.”

I chose to ignore him, because nothing good would come out of acknowledging him. I was just glad that I didn’t have to be paired with him this time.

“The other two pairs,” Hank continued on now, and even though I couldn’t care less who was with who, I decided to listen anyway, in case it was somehow important to me, “are Aiden and Anthony, and then Dex and Kristie.”

Aiden’s eyes went wide. “Uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Really, Aiden, this is no time for jealousy,” Hank scolded him jokingly, and this caused both Dex and Anthony to snicker at him. “This isn’t the last mission you’ll ever go on. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to be partnered with Kristie in the future. Or Dex, if that’s who you want to be with.”

Both boys made faces, and this made Anthony and I snicker. They then glared at us, but this didn’t stop us from laughing at them.

“I think Dex and Aiden have a crush on each other,” Anthony whispered to me now, making sure that he was loud enough on purpose so that the two boys could hear what he was saying. I started laughing so hard that I had to cover my mouth with my hands.

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