Chapter 3: You do know you're dead right?

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Hello! How was that last cliffhanger eh? Merry Christmas guys! I love you sooooo much! *Hugs*

Albus's (F) POV

McGonagall and Dumbledore walked into the common room calmly with unreadable expressions on their faces. However they did not acknowledge us and by us I mean the next generation. McGonagall spoke first:

"I have had reports that students have been seeing the Head boy and girl with their friends coming into the great hall taking loads of food for themselves then bringing it back into this common room. Just because you are head boy and girl does not mean you have more privileges than anybody else in this school." McGonagall continued "Miss Evans I expected better of you that goes for you too MacDonalad you should know this!"

She then turned to us. "Have you been using perhaps the polyjuice potion on these kids or might I say other friends?" She said mainly to (P) James, (P) Lily and me.

"No professor it's actually quite a long story they are from the future" Sirius blurted. Nobody  gave him a dirty look because you can't blame him for saying that there is no better answer.

"Unacceptable Black this is no time for jokes I will see you at my office at 7 o'clock"

"It's true though!" Cried F Molly. "We are from the future" Mcgonagall was about to say something else but was interrupted by (F) Lily's mirror making a ringing sound. lily swiped it with her hand to reveal the face of dad. "Hey kids! so anyway we were just checking on y- oh hi Minerva!" 

McGonagall was taken aback. "Excuse me but who are you?"

"Oh right you're from the past i'm Harry Potter son of Lily and James Potter" I saw (P) Lily gagging in the backround."Hi so if your wondering yes the children are from the future so just take care of them and in a few days we'll pick them up thanks"

"Is this some sort of prank?"

"Nope. I know its alot to take in but it really isn't. If your really curious then use vertisium."

"Okay Mr. Potter I will look at the situation further you can rest assured that your children are safe here"

"Great! Oh and hello Dumbledore it's wonderful to see you."

"Well Harry you see me in your time." Harry's face dropped a little bit but he quickly recovered. He waved at us then the mirror went blank.

"You" she turned the the people of the past "Have my and Professor Dumbledores permission to get whatever the supplies these children need but don't provoke your privileges"

 And with that she swiftly turned around with a hint of a smile on her face and walked out the portrait hole. Dumbledore followed her but before he left he gave us a small wink. The portrait hole started to close but you can see Dumbledore handing McGonagall ten galleons.

"Well now they know so what do we do?" asked Remus.

"Your father acts like he hasn't seen Dumbledore in ages whats up? Is he dead or something?" joked Sirius.

"Yes he is dead" mumbled Lucy but everyone could hear her.

"WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? DUMBLEDORE DEAD? NO HE'S IMMORTAL HE CAN NEVER DIE!" Sirius screamed in my face. All the kids, already familiar with this reaction gestured for everyone to sit down again.

"Okay so to make this quick and easy all of you guys are dead." (F) James simply stated.

"WHAT?" All of the people from the past said at once.

"What my brother was trying to say is that because of the war you guys did not make it." I said glaring at (F) James who just looked at me sheepishly.

"Oh" was all (P) Lily could say.

"So I finally get Evans to say yes to go out with me and marry me and we have a child named Harry and my life is finally complete then BOOM Mouldy Voldy or some douchebag just kills us?" (P) James exclaimed.

"Pretty much yeah." Molly said.

"What happens to all of us then?" Remus asks.

"Um okay we'll tell you but when we leave we will have to obliviate you." Lucy stated.

"So during your graduation there was a sneak attack of death eaters and sadly Mary got killed when it was her turn to go up on stage" Lily (P) gasped.

"Marlene and her family was killed a week before James and Lily died. We all know how Jily died. Sirius got blamed for their death even though he was innocent. Frank and Alice went insane a year after their child was born. Remus died in the battle of Hogwarts with of course his wife Tonks together. And um Peter died. Sirius got killed by his cousin Bellatrix and yeah." Lucy said all in one breath.

"Who murdered Jily then?" Sirius spat.

"Peter, he told Voldemort where they were hiding and it's a long story"

Everyone from the past were shocked about this news. Petite Petticoat working for Mouldy Voldy? That's almost impossible to believe. 

"I'm going to kill that git" Sirius muttered.

"Oh you will try to do that in the future" I told him. "You just have to wait."

Sirius was going to have another outburst on Peter before Lysander suggested we play a game to pass the time.

"What game though?" asked Lorcan. (F) Lily smirked evilly hearing this and immediately suggested truth or dare. Everyone agreed.

"I go first since I suggested it. Hmm Sirius, who is the hottest girl in the room?" Everyone was surprised that young (F) Lily would ask such a thing.

"You didn't say truth or dare"

"If you picked dare I would dare you to answer this question."

Sirius thought for a moment and said McKinnon indicating he was talking about Marlene who smirked knowingly. Sirius's turn was next.

"Evans, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to snog Jamsie over here" (P) James looked like Christmas had come early.

"Should've seen this coming" groaned (P) Lily.

My grandmother grabbed (P) James by the collar of his shirt and dragged him up the boy's dormitory probably to somewhere more private. Since they were gone I spoke up.

"Okay since they're not here I guess i'll have a go. Umm. Dominique truth or dare?"

"pffft bring it on, dare"

 I didn't get to say the dare because just then a small first year Gryffindor girl burst through the common room portrait and was panting heavily. "S-severus Sanpe wants Lily E-evans outside" She squeaked then ran up the girls dormitories.

QOTD: Whats your hogwarts house? #SlytherinPride Sadly everyone (Mostly) thinks Slytherin is "Evil" I mean jeez I love calling my friends cinnamon rolls.

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