Chapter 2: What will we do?

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I got a new phone since my old one is busted! RIP old phone. I guess i'll just update every Friday since I update every week so yeah. So this is kinda like fun chapter so I hope you enjoy! Also lets just say Peter went away to do some 'business'.

Scorp's POV

I woke up from my weird dream from time travelling with the others into the marauders era. Then I realized it wasn't a dream it actually happened. Rose told me all about it a few years ago and how  it changed everyone. What if I meet my grandfather when he was in school? What if I meet my grandmother and her sisters? Well Andromeda was good but what about Bellatrix? I remember when I introduced myself Sirius gave me a dirty look but I can't blame him. My family has done some terrible things but were still family, nothing can change that.

I was pulled out of my trance from Albus who shook me saying the marauders were getting food for everybody since we can't be seen. They're thinking about telling Dumbledore, I agree but he really can't do much seeing as were from the future and in the future he's erm dead. So were not going to tell him. This was our situation therefore we need to fix it. Last night Lily's mirror device called us again and they said they talked to Kingsley and that they would come for us in about a week. So we had to be in this room by 7 am.

That left us with nothing to do for the rest of the week. Seeing as were going to be stuck here for quite a while.

The marauders came in with bags full of food and I'm not going to question how they got it. (P) James sauntered over to (P) Lily and dramatically served her some french toast. She rolled her eyes but she was smiling. Sirius handed me a plateful of pancakes but he was still shooting me dirty looks. Remus however noticed this and sat beside me while the others were chatting and eating.

"Sorry about him he's just kinda overwhelmed that he's actually hanging out with a Malfoy but don't worry he'll warm up to you. It's good to know that your family isn't erm uh..." Remus trailed off.

"Bad?" I laughed. "It's okay you can say it I don't mind. My family has a not so clean past but were good now so that's all that matters." 

I just remembered that when Teddy introduced himself Remus was shocked to hear that he ended up marrying a girl even though he's a werewolf. Remus seemed to have remembered too seeing as his face dropped all of a sudden.

(The girls in the marauders era know about Remus's furry little problem okay? So I don't have to add that in)

"It's just I can't imagine someone loving me for what I am" Remus sighed.

"You're a nice person I can see it. It's just that sometimes people judge people for the way they seem or look not for who they really are."

"You're a good kid Scorpius you know that right? Don't let anyone judge you for your family" Remus then walked over to his friends and began chatting happily.

TIME SKIP OooooooooooOOOOOOOOOooOooOOOoooOOooOOOooOOooooooOOOoOooOooooOoO  

After eating the marauders and girls were thinking of things to do with us since it's the weekend.

"Ooh! I have an idea! We can visit the room of requirement!" (F) Lily suggested.

"Whats the room of requirement?" asked Marlene.

"Oh we'll show you" (F) James smirked. "James from the past give me your invisibility cloak"

Despite (P) James's being shocked he obliged. (F) James cast a charm on the cloak so it was split into separate cloaks for everyone to use. "How did you do that?" asked Mary.

"Were from the future we have more spells to cast duh" Fred says like it's the most obvious thing.

We all put on our cloaks and as soon as I put mine on I could see everybody under theirs. Everyone else was a shimmery blue figure but I could make out everyone's faces. (P) James motioned for us to follow him and we did out through the portrait hole into the clearing. Luckily nobody was around at the time so we can sneak into the room of requirement.

I removed my cloak and immediately I was drenched with water. I looked at Rose who was grinning like a maniac with a watergun in her hand. I took in the scene around me. We were in a huge room full of barricades and things to hide behind. Beside everyone was a watergun waiting to be used. The people from the past were taking in the scene around them too all with wide eyes and huge grins.

(F) James broke the stunned silence by squirting water at Teddy who immediately reacted and squirted him back. Everyone went full out war mode by shooting water at anyone that came close to them. I ducked behind a barricade and saw somebody else was there. It was Sirius. I shot him in the back and he turned to face me raising his water gun but I dashed away before he could shoot.

" Lily! How could you!?"

"Can it Potter!"

"Ted-T-Teddy stop!"

"No mercy Vic we must leave no survivors."



"McKinnon! Stop ruining my hair!"

"Too bad Black! My hair is much prettier than yours!"






Laughter and surprised screams echoed around the room of requirement as children blasted each other with water. It went on like this for what seemed like hours until we declared (F) Lily the winner who was barely even soaked and managed to get everybody wet.

We headed out the room with our invisibility cloaks careful not to get the floor wet. It was lunch time so we headed back to the Head Boy and Girls dormitory. The people of the past went to get food for us again while we waited soaking wet in the common room.

Teddy said a spell that got us all dry and warm. Victoire conjured some new clothes for us to wear. Everything was going great until the people of the past burst into the room with nervous looks on their faces. Following behind them was a very strict McGonagall and a content looking Dumbledore. 

Hehe cliffhanger MWAHAHAHAHAAHAAHA! Oh well hope you have a great day!


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