Chapter 8: HELLO

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Hi! So if you already have read this before I edited it and you see it now, well I extended the chapter because I found out I could have been annoying you guys because of my stupid cliffhanger stuff. Sorry =( and I hope you can forgive me for it.

(F) James's POV

Holy cricket. What the Hades just happened? Yesterday was a complete mess and now? Well now isn't much better either. Remus the werewolf became Remiss the human again and he has no idea what happened or why we won't talk to him properly. We didn't want him to blame himself for the incident. Although I think he already knows what happened but is just waiting for us to say it.

Surprisingly nobody at school even mentioned the werewolf part of the incident. Maybe they were scared that the wolf would come for them next if they did. However they were talking about the people who caused it.

That Lacy girl was going to be moved from the hospital wing to St. Mungos.
Her other friends I think their names were Athene and Sally Marie weren't talking at all. Well to be honest it was kinda their fault anyway. "They both got detention every evening for the rest if the year!" I heard a first year boy say to his friend who nodded with their eyes wide.

Remus would have to hear the news at some point but...we'll thing about that later. (F) Lilys mirror rang again this morning and dad said they're coming this evening. Its been so long I  forgot I even came from the future.

Snape and his gang glared at us every time we were near them. Like really cold glares that it would sometimes turn into a staring contest which would last until another person breaks it up.

Seconds passed by and I sat on the couch.
Minutes passed by and I sat on the couch.
Hours passed by and I still sat in the comfy wonderful couch.
Weeks pass- just kidding i felt so bored! Ughhhh...

Harry's POV

Kingsley fired up the machine and it glowed green this time. Then, a violet portal swirled into sight and Kingsley just gestured for me to step in and i hopped right in with no warnings whatsoever. I really want to see my kids now.

The Gryffindor common room appeared around but there were only the family and my parents in it. (P) Lily turned around fast and gawked at the people coming in. James (f) did not notice us as he was lying on the couch contemplating the universe.

(F) Lily was running towards me with a giant smile and she hugged me tightly. The other kids were rushing toward their parents with the same reactions while I saw younger versions of Sirius and Remus stare in awe.

The wonderful moment was stopped however by... actually nothing because not even a deatheater could ruin it.

I walked over to (F) James who's eyes widened the moment he saw me. He quickly jumped from his position on the couch and like (f) Lily, hugged me tightly. The other children ran over to their parents and some even cried whole doing so. Albus came over and since I had two other kids clinging onto me, there wasn't much room for him to hug. I just smiled and clasped his shoulder amd that seemed just about enough for him as he smiled back.

My parents both looked just about as teary eyed as rhe other kids. We didn't say anything but just stared in awe at each other which was fine with me since I didn't want to break down crying or something.

I have heard countless times that I looked like my father and had my mothers eyes. I've seen them through pensives (is that  how you spell it?) And golden mist stuff but seeing them now, looking at me alive and well, real made it so much more what's the word? I guess real.

Somebody tapped me on the shoulder who was Ron and he pointed to the time portal gesturing that we have to go. I nodded and the other kids said their last goodbyes to the people of the past. I remembered something and quickly grabbed a pen and paper on the table and scribbled a little goodbye note. After about a minute, I shoved it into Sirius' s hand who looked quizically at me but I didn't say anything. We all stepped through the portal and saw another world forming around us once again.

Again I am really really REALLY sorry for the past cliffhangers =(

Also next update will be the epilogue because as you can tell there are some unanswered questions.






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