Chapter 5: Bearded man with a tabby cat?

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Hi! This chappie is longer!

James's (F) POV

We all stood there in the office in an awkward silence since it was really cramped. I was pushed between the two Alice's and behind the two Lily's. McGonagall just shuffled through her papers and didn't even pay attention to the crowd of kids in front of her desk. My eyes wandered around the office, I saw a photograph peeking out from one of her drawers. All I could make out was a bearded man with a sherbet lemon sticking out from his mouth holding a familiar tabby cat that was sucking on an acid pop.

There was a stack of dusty books on her desk that looked like they hadn't been read in years. Future Alice beside me had taken out a bag of Bertie Botts every flavor and was eating them casually. Past Alice nudged future Alice. They had a silent conversation with their eyes and knowing future Alice I could make out a few things she was saying.

No they're mine.





She opened the bag a little more so (P) Alice could stick her hand in and eat some. I tried to stick my hand in too but she pulled it away before I could.

We had another silent conversation.


But sharing is caring!

But I don't care.

"Ahem." Mcgonagall interrupted our silent conversation. "Mr. Potter, Ms. Longbottom you will have detention in my office tomorrow." Snapes gang looked confused on how there were multiple Alices and James.

"Now I see you have had a battle in a corridor and that you used your wands against each other." Mcgonagall continued.

 "And of course with that there are consequences. All of you will have detention the rest of the month and to those of you who play quidditch, you will be kicked off your team for the time being. Go back to your dorms and I will assume that you will do it without whipping out your wands. Good night."

And with that she ushered for us to get out and closed the door. We all parted our ways in silence and when we reached the portrait who was snoring rather loudly we had to yell the password 3 times before she begrudgingly let us in. That's when all the rage came out.

"No quidditch! NO QUIDDITCH! FOR THE REST OF THE MONTH!" (P) James screamed in Sirius's ear which he just ignored as he was fixing his hair. 

"Ohmygoshohmygoshi'mheadgirlandIgotdetentionforabout3weeks!" (P) Lily wailed to Marlene who started braiding Sirius's hair. Sirius looked like he didn't mind at all.

Everyone was panicking and luckily we weren't in the Gryffindor common room or else we would wake everyone up.

                                                                         ~10 minutes later~

We decided to sleep because complaining wouldn't help at all. Our last day of the weekend was tomorrow so we decided to get more comfy in here by conjuring sleeping bags for all the people of the past.

Sorry that was short and sucked but it was longer!

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