Chapter 7: The students who cried WEREWOLF!

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Sally Marie's POV

I snuck around the halls of Hogwarts with my friends while we were looking for this rumored room of requirement.

"Maybe its outside." Suggested Athene who clenched her wand tightly.

"Or maybe it doesn't even exist!" Lacy replied, tucking her bright pink hair behind her ear. She's a metamorphagus.

"Lets just look around okay?" I silenced the two and gestured for them to follow me quietly. We were all in our second year and wanted to explore the school more. We all looked up to the marauders, they were our heroes and possibly (*cough* probably) our idols.

We made it out outside and the warm midnight breeze swept in our faces. The grass was slightly damp from the rain a few hours ago and Hagrids hut had its lights on. We were about to give up looking for the room that we overheard Mcgonagall talking about to Dumbledore until Athene pointed to the whomping willow.

"There! Maybe its in there!"

"In there? I don't think anybody's been in there." Questioned Lacy.

"Well that's why we have to check! C'mon if you're not going Sally and I will!"

"Fine but lets make it quick."

Before we could go even further to the willow, a rat scrambled out of the tree and headed for us. It jumped on my foot and wouldn't get off. I was actually quite fond of animals so i didn't mind at all despite the disgusted faces Athene and Lacy were making at me. Seconds after the rat came to us, a creature jumped out of the opening in the tree.

It had Wolfish figure but it didn't seem to be just a normal wolf. Before i could figure out what it was, Athene being the clever student she was cried:


We all screamed and dashed towards the castle. The poor rat on my foot got kicked off in the process and the wolf howled at the moon and begun it's chase. Adrenaline pumped through my veins and i never ran as fast in my entire life, although this could be the end of it.

We continued to scream help even though that was taking away our breath rapidly. The wolf was gaining on us and we were extremely close to the doors until the wolf pounced and grabbed Lacy who kicked and thrashed. Before we could pull out our wands, the wolf bit her and a blood curdling scream echoed through the once quiet air.

Poor Lacy was on the ground, motionless and eyes still wide from the attack. The wolf however was panting heavily. Athene and i just stood there in shock, absorbing the scene around us and what just happened.

The wolf turned to us but something else flickered in it's amber eyes. Was it sadness? Guilt? Remorse? Whatever it was it went way quickly and the werewolf began to pounce on us-

It was stopped however, immediately by a black dog and stag. They battled and finally the stag and dog managed to pin down the wolf while it thrashed around helplessly.

A jet of white light zoomed past me and hit the wolf who immediately collapsed on the ground unconscious. The stag and the dog ran off the who knows where and a group of kids with strange resemblances rushed over.

The teachers, all in their night wear came down with faces that i couldn't read. They did not say a word at all as if they knew what was going on. Lacy was transported to the hospital wing quickly and the werewolf was taken somewhere as well.

Athene and I looked at the mess unfolding before us. Then the ugly truth began crashing down, we did this, this was all our fault. Athene seemed to have realize it as well, as she began to sob loudly and tears streamed down my face as I watched the castle lights flickered on and students began to come down to see what happened.

The group of kids who came down earlier stood there in silence, some hugged each other and others just stared at the scene around them.

We were questioned rapidly, so much was happening all at once.

"What happened?"

"What was all that noise?"

"I heard a howl! It must be a werewolf!"

"Werewolf? Coolio!"

"Did you do this?"

"Where's your other friend Lacy? That's her name right?"

Everyone was talking at the same time and we didn't answer their questions. We were silent the whole time.

We could lose Lacy and there was nothing we could do about it. What have we done.

Sooooooo like that little teeny tiny chapter? This was my favorite by far! I just feel like i accomplished something alright? Nah just kidding this one is kinda sad. See ya next Friday!

- Ashyl OUT!

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