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Aggressive? Don't hurt me please!

You'll show him what he'll get if he annoys you like that. You'll put up a fight, and you'll annoy him much worse than he's currently doing. "Would you just stop calling me Dreamer? Seriously, fuck you mr. Jane."

"Well that's not very nice of you."

 You decide to avoid looking into his eyes, and you stare through the window, taking a look at the outside world. "You're the one who started it."

"You just told me you want to fuck me." 

"I'd rather not." Why do people always take 'fuck you' literally? Ughhh. Fuck those people. No no, not literally ... This guy was making you as mad as a monkey with migraine. Or maybe as a hippo with a hernia. Well if you were a hippo, you would definitely settle your big, fat ass on Jane's stupid head to shut him up.

"Why? What's wrong with me? Am I not sexy enough?"

You sigh, cross your arms and lock your eyes on him. "Exactly."

"... That hurt."

"I'm glad it did."

The door on Jane's side suddenly opens, making all the occupants of the car look in that direction. The brown haired woman who they talked with earlier is standing there, hands stuck firmly on her hips.

"Hey Lisbon, what brings you to this magnificent place?" says Jane excited, looking straight into her narrowed eyes. Geez. This guy is perky as fudge.

"Would you just stop already? Jane, hush. Cho'll ride with Rigsby. It seems like you cannot behave yourself again." 

"But Lisbon, she - "

 "Stop it! Get your ass over to my car and leave the poor girl alone!" You can clearly see her facial muscles twitching as she shouts at him. You like this woman already. She's direct and strict, she can tell Jane to shut up or to leave which is very advantageous. Her name is Lisbon, isn't it? Oh, you'll definitely call for Lisbon when Jane's back to harass you again.

"Fine." he moves his legs outside of the car and sighs, pretending to be disappointed. Before entirely stepping outside of the car, he turns his body, now facing you and looking into your eyes. 

"No tea for you." 

"Jane!" shouts Lisbon sternly while pulling him out of the car. You chuckle at his childish behaviour as you watch them leave. 1 win for you, 0 wins for Mr. Jane. Ha. Ha. Ha.


Your results.

-You did not take the stuffed the tiger.

-You were rude to Jane. 

-Friendship percentage with Jane increased with 25%.

-Friendship percentage with Rigsby increased with 5%.

-Friendship percentage with Lisbon increased with 5%.

-> Go to chapter 2.

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