Chapter 8

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____________Your POV_____________
It was later at night, both your squad and Levi's spent the entire day cleaning the castle, and were now drinking tea, sitting peacefully at the table.
That was, until a loud bang at the door resounded in the room.
Out of reflex, you and your team, grabbed your weapons, which everyone carries all the time, while you somehow managed to get yours back after the trail, and pointed it at the door.
Everyone stared at you, and the rest of your teammates, as Petra opens the door, reveiling Hanji.
"Sorry, reflex." Was all you said, as you sat back down, putting the gun back in its holder, everyone else put their weapons away, as Hanji stepped in, rubbing her head.
"Hello Special Operations Squad, also known as Squad Levi, and hello Team Alpha." Hanji says, as she walks in.
"Are you always that nervous?" Levi deadpanned.
"No, like I said, my body reacts before my brain can think." You say, as you take a sip of tea.
"Eh? Did I did I miss something?" Hanji suddenly asks.
"Nothing important." Levi says, also taking a sip of tea.
Hanji stares at you and Levi for a moment.
"Tch, why is it your here, shitty glasses?" Levi hisses.
"Oh, right. Eren, is it alright if I conduct a few experiments?" Hanji asks.
"Y-You'll have to ask captain." Eren says.
This caught you attention.
"Why would you need to experiment on the kid?" You ask.
"Oh, I see, so no one told you?" Hanji asks.
"Apparently not." You say, setting the tea back down on the table.
"Eren is a titan shifter." Hanji explains.
"I see, so given by the name, he can transform into those humaniod giants you call titans, correct?" You ask.
"Yes, that is right." Hanji says.
"So, Levi, what does Eren have scedualed tomorrow?" Hanji asks.
"Picking out weeds from the yard." Levi answers.
'As expected of a clean freak.' You think.
"It's settled then, I'll conduct the experiment tomorrow." Hanji states.
"Um, if you don't mind, what kind of experiments?" Eren asks.
"Idiot, shut up." Auruo mutters, as Hanji smiles, a glint in her glasses, as she says, "Oh, I knew it. Your a person who seeks out knowledge too."
You saw Levi get up from the table, as well as his squad, and you follow suit, along with everyone from your squad.
"If you don't mind, captain, I'm going to stay here and gather information." Mine says, pulling out a pen and notebook from her pocket.
"Do as you wish." You say, before leaving with everyone else.
You walk around a bit, until you saw Levi walk into a room.
You smirk as you began to make your way towards the door.
You walked silently, making sure you couldn't be heard, as you pressed an ear to the door.
You heard the scraping of a chair against wood.
You carefully leaned back up, and slowly, and quietly turned the doorknob. Where you then carefully pushed the door open, it doesn't make a sound, as you open it far enough where you could slide your body in.
You quietly closed the door, again, making no sound as you do so.
You turned, and saw Levi, sitting at a desk, scribbling away at something, unaware of your presence.
You then quietly walked up, and sat in the chair that was across his desk, making no sound in the process, Levi still scribbling away at paperwork.
"What are you doing?" You asked, and his reaction was priceless.
He lets out a grunt, as he jumps up, meeting his gaze with your laughing form.
"How the hell did you get in here?" He hisses.
"Where else, through the door." You chuckled.
"Tch, make some fucking noise, besides, aren't you suppose to knock on your superior's door?" He hisses, sitting back down, looking at his paperwork.
"Tch, look at what you made me do, now I have to start the whole fucking thing over." He grumbles, grabbing a new sheet of paper.
"Well, one, I wasn't sure where to go, you didn't give me, nor my squad assigned rooms, and two, I thought I could ease my boredom." You say leaning back in the chair.
"Gee, glad I could be used for your sick entertainment." Levi says, scribbling away at the new sheet of paper.
"Well, being in my line of work, your body gets restless. Which is one of the reasons why anyone from my world has trouble sleeping." You sigh, leaning your head back, so your staring at the ceiling.
"What are the other reasons?" You suddenly hear Levi ask.
"Curious now, aren't we?" You snicker.
"Tch, just answer the damn question, brat." He says, still writing away at the piece of paper.
"Fine, other reason are oversensitivity, we're trained to the point where we can hear a twig snap in the distance, and it'll wake us up instantly." You explain.
"Must be total shit, if you try and sleep in a busy area." Levi says.
"Yeah, there are still more reasons, but I prefer talking about it some other time." You sigh out, as you lean forward.
"Since I answered your question, you have to answer mine." You say.
"What do you want to ask?" Levi asks, finally stopping his writing so he could talk to you face to face.
"What do you have in that drawer there?" You ask, pointing to the top right drawer, by his leg. (A/N: Levi's right, not your right)
You saw Levi stiffen a bit.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, its just that I smelled blood in that drawer, and I got curious." You quickly explained.
"Tch, its nothing important, just patches of fallen soldiers, that's all." Levi says, as he resumes his writing.
"I see. Then, do you mind of I show you something?" You suddenly ask.
"Tch, it better not waste my time." Levi hisses, setting his quill down.
"Don't worry, it won't." You say, as you reach into your pocket, and produced a small pouch, and set it down on the table.
Levi looked at it for a moment, before you said, "Go ahead, open it."
Levi cautiously reached out, and grabbed it, before dumping the contents out into the desk, after pushing his paperwork to the side.
Once it was dumped out, Levi just stared at the five small things that were on the table.
"What are these?" He asks, holding up one small metal tag that had numbers on it.
"My old team." Was your short reply, causing his eyes to widen.
"What, you honestly think that I'm some heartless bitch, please, I was trained to act that way, doesn't mean that's my true personality, and before you go saying, 'why are you showing me this.', its because, I am no longer in my time, I can form bonds here, I'm allowed to without risking the lives of the people who I view as family. This was the consequence of me forming a bond with my old squad, they were sent to death, because of me. I also wanted to show you, because I want to put my trust in you. If something were to ever happen to me, please, take care of them." That was all you said, before you left, leaving the bag of tags with Levi, as you head off to find an empty room.
____________Levi's POV____________
I stare at the metal like tags in my hands, before carefully putting them back in the pouch.
I set them in front of me, staring at it, as I contemplate (F/N)'s words.
I didn't even need to ask who 'them' was, I already knew.
'I guess Mayumi was right, we are too much alike. But, at the same time we're different.' I think, as I lean my head back for a moment.
After a few minutes go by, I lift my head back up, and continued to do paperwork.
But, as I looked up, in order to grab another piece of paperwork, I saw the pouch.
I clicked my tongue, as I set my quill down, and grabbed the pouch.
I open one of my empty drawers, and set the pouch in it, before closing it.
'I'll give it back to her sometime tomorrow.' I think, before continuing my work.

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