Chapter 13

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____________Your POV_____________
It was the next day, and Levi's squad was already exhausted from yesterday's training by doing half of whatever my team was doing.
Which explains why Levi's squad all have their head lying on the table at the moment, groaning in exhaustion.
"Oh man up, it wasn't that bad." You say, taking a sip of tea.
"Not bad, maybe for you it wasn't, but what human can complete 94 push ups with one arm, 68 sit ups, and 150 laps around HQ." Eren groans.
You raise an eyebrow, as you say, "That was only your half though. My team is barely breaking a sweat from their usual morning work out session."
"Don't remind us." Gunther mutters, face buried in the table.
"Captain, maybe you should go a little more easier on them, I mean, they aren't like us." Mayumi whispers into your ear.
You look at her, and said, "Not my orders, I only instruct what you guys are suppose to do, if you wish to confront this matter about them, then you should ask Levi, he was the one who set the training schedule up."
"That is true, Mayumi. Levi is the one who set this up. Captain is only doing our daily training, in fact, I believe she's still being a little too relaxed about training." Mine says, taking a small sip of tea from her cup.
As she said this, everyone from Levi's squad, had snapped their head up, as they all shouted, "What!?"
"Oh hell yeah, captain usually does double what we're doing, but I'm guessing she's pitying the poor souls who have to do half of what we do." Dante says.
They all stared at you with wide eyes.
"Y-You guys are impossible." Eld states.
You shrug your shoulders, as you say, "We've been trained from birth, its understandable if you guys can't keep up."
"Then don't hold back!" Squad Levi shouts, as they stand up, fire burning in their eyes.
You smirk, as you say, "Are you sure? From what I remember, you guys were groaning from the small workout session that you did."
"Tch, we're not weak, set up their usual training schedule, and don't hold back." Auruo says, as he crosses his arms.
"Fine, if you insist. After breakfast, I want my team to begin their usual training schedule. That means I expect 120 push ups, 346 sit ups, and finally 500 laps." You insturct.
"Yes, ma'am!" They shout, as they hurry to finish breakfast.
"You guys got all that, right?" You ask, as you turn towards them.
"Yes ma'am!" They too shout, as they began eating breakfast with your squad.
You smirk, as you finish the rest of your breakfast.
'I should begin training myself as well.' You think, as you drink the last mouthful of tea, before cleaning the dishes.
"I'm heading towards my room, if anyone needs anything, then feel free to come by." You say, as you walk out of the mess hall.
"Nice motivation skills." A monotonous voice calls out from your right side, as you exit the mess hall.
You smile, as you say, "I have no idea on what your talking about, Levi."
"Don't play dumb, you tried to seem as if they were mere children messing around compared to your squad." Levi says, as he moves away from the wall he was leaning on.
"They need more training, so does my squad, I thought I would give them the small boost that they need." You say, as you cross your arms.
"Well, it seemed it worked. They looked even more motivated then before, even that brat Yeager." He says.
"Of course, that boy, he needs a way to reach his goals, so I thought to help him out a bit." You say, giving a sight smile.
Levi raises an eyebrow, as he says, "How do you know about his goals, has he told you?"
You look at Levi, as you say, "Nope, like I told you before, I have exceptional skills in retrieving the information that I want. I know it seems a bit untrustworthy, but I do need to know about the people whom I am associated with." You say, earning a glare from Levi.
"So your saying that you looked into everyone's past, even mine?" Levi hisses.
"Yes, but not too deeply, just their background, you know, if they have a family or such, but I didn't dig deep enough to look into personal information. Just the common stuff." You say, as you give a short sigh.
Levi still seems doubtful, so you simply said, "If you don't believe me, I have the notes that I took to memorize their background."
You reaches into your pocket, and pulled out a small notebook, before tossing it to the short corproal.
He caught it with one hand, before looking through it, his eyebrows furrowed a bit in concentration, as he skims through the data you collected.
"Anyway, I'm about to head to my room for some training would you care to join me?" You asked.
Levi raises an eyebrow, before asking, "Why?"
"Simple, I need someone to count for me." You say, as you begin dragging Levi toward your room.
Once there, you open the door, only to reveal your room.
It was relatively big, but you requested for a large room, so that you had enough room for some small training equipment, such as weights, or a pull up bar you made yourself.
"Well, you can relax on the bed and count, as I begin training." You say, as you walk over to the pull up bar.
You jumped up, and grabbed the bar, before pulling yourself up.
"One." Levi counted.
-------------Small Time Skip-------------
"Four hundred and seventy eight"
"Four hundred and seventy nine"
"Four hundred eighty." Levi finishes counting, as you drop down to the ground, your hands a bit sore for clutching at the pull up bar for so long.
"Would you like to train a bit, Levi?" You ask, as you turn to Levi who has been sitting on your bed the entire time.
"Tch, no, I'm fine." Levi says.
"Okay, hope you don't mind if I do some sit ups." You say, as you lay on the ground, and began doing sit ups, Levi once again, counting for you.
"Thanks......for...........counting........Levi." You say each word, as you fully sit up.
"You owe me for this, brat." Levi says, in between his counting.
"Sure.....I'" You say each word, as you, once again, sit up fully.
Levi just clicks his tongue, as he continues to count, the rest of the time was spent in silence, as you continued to work your body to the point of exhaustion.
After you were done, Levi had left, but, before he had, you gave him another 'thank you', before he headed of to his office to work on the rest of his paperwork.
You flop down onto the bed, before letting the exhaustion in your body to take over, and allow you to get the limited amount of sleep you could.

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