Chapter 3

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As I arrived to my home I entered the front door and saw mama and daddy staring at me with big grins.

"Mommy daddy what is it.?" My mama was cheesing so much she turned red,

"Mickey, We're having a baby." I looked at mama and bit my lip,

"But mama..." She smiled and looked at daddy and they kissed,

"I'm not gonna be the only child any more.?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No... We decided to give you a little brother." I sighed and groaned,

"Congrats... I'll be in my room packing my bags." I headed away and slammed my door.

I did not want another sibling ever, I didn't want to replace the memories of my biological brother and sister with a different child.

My biological brother and sister had died two years after mommy and daddy adopted me, they both would still contact me through the years until my sister died of giving birth to her first child that didn't make it either and my brother died of a bad heart, maybe that was hereditary. Because he and my biological dad died around the same time.

But any way I still did not want to have a sibling I even told Mommy about it. There was a knock on the door. I shook my head and sighed,

"Mickey... Baby."

"No... Go away... I need to go to sleep." I groaned holding away my tears,

"Mickey listen..."

"Mama I told you I didn't want any more siblings I told you.!" I cried and she moved closer to me.

"I'm sorry Mickey... You'll still be my number one baby." I grabbed my head phones and blocked out her talking with the sound of some reggae, I began to fall asleep.

My phone rang. I grabbed it and looked at the screen. It was Lily. I smiled and answered.

"Hey boo.!" She laughed,

"Mickey, so my mum loves the school bus idea and she's buying one for me, you think you can help out with the accessories on the inside.?" I giggles,

"Of course I can just write a list of what you want me to buy and I'll give it to my dad."

"Awesome." Lily laughed,

"Alright bye PB." I giggled and hung up.

As I walked down stairs, I could hear soft laughs. I peeked into the living room and saw mommy and daddy hugged up talking to her belly. Mama looked at me I rolled my eyes, folded my arms and walked into the kitchen. They watched as I strolled by, my hands on my chest.

I grabbed a box of fruit snacks but felt a presence behind me. I turned and there was daddy.

"Why are you acting this way.?" He ask me. I rolled my eyes and tried to get past him. He grabbed me tight,

"Your not going to walk away from me when I'm talking." He says his grip on my wrist was firm.

"Let me go.! What's wrong with you.?" I yelled, I snatched away and said,

"Don't you ever put your hands on me again."

Daddy turned red, he smacked me I stumbled back into the wall staring into his eyes,

"Try to play Me like that one more fucking time Nadi and you will be picking up teeth do I make myself clear.?" I grew angry,

"I... Hate... Y-" he smacked me again and grabbed my neck,

"You think I'm playing with you.? Okay." He let me go and reached for his belt. I hated belts, I ran as fast as I could up to my room, he chased after me,

"No daddy.! Please.!" I cried falling down. He grabbed my shirt and whipped me. I arched my back as the belt came down multiple times.

"Look at me Nadi." I pulled away trying to run. He hit me harder three more times then grabbed me harder.

"Look at me.!" I looked up into his eyes,

"You go down there and apologize to your mother... Right now.!" He pushed me. I crawled away and he pulled me down stairs,

"Nadi.!" He yelled, I whimpered,

"Sorry," he grabbed me and pushed me to my knees then pulled my hair I hissed feeling the grip on my head.

"Tell her.!" I cried,

"Sowwy Madda.! Um sowey nuh be vex.!" He smacked me,

"In English.!" I whimpered,

"Nuh know englisssss.!" I cried he grabbed my neck,

"IN ENGLISH.!!" I gasped,

"I... Apologize... I apologize mother." He pulled my head back looking me in the eyes,

"If you disrespect my wife like you did earlier... I'll break your fucking finger... Do I make myself clear.?" He growled.

"Yes father." He pushed me down,

"Good night." I lay there catching my breath, then I crawled up the steps.

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