1: You meet for the first time

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Luke: (Age 9 months old)

     Your mom held you as you slept, while your older brother, Luke, walked up to her on his knees. "What are you doing?" She laughed. "I'm like, really tall and I don't want to scare Y/N." He said sheepishly, looking down. She smiled. "Want to hold her?" "C-can I?" He asked. She nodded, handing you over to him. Your other older brothers, Ben and Jack watched to make sure he didn't drop you. You opened your big y/e/ced (your eye coloured) eyes and saw his face. You hiccuped and smiled. "Her eyes are so pretty." He said quietly, lost in the colour. "Y/N this is Lukey. Say Lukey." Your mom said, causing the boy to blush. "Wu-Wukey." You said. "Yesss, favourite brother!" He whisper yelled, smirking at the other two older boys in the room.

Calum: (age 3)

     Calum had gone on tour when you were just barely two years old, so you hadn't really met him, since your mom feared he would turn you into a mini girl version of him. But when he came home, your mom decided you two could have a sibling bonding day. "Cawum!" You yelled happily when you watched as he walked into the room. "Y/N!" He yelled back, even happier if it was possible. And it wasn't the mocking tone- it was genuine happiness. "Up?" You asked, looking up at the boy who towered over you. He smiled, lifting you up. "Better?" He asked. You nodded. "Are you ticklish?" He asked. You shook your head, but he still tickled your sides anyway. You giggled and squirmed and tried to get him to stop, but the two of you were both insanely stubborn and would get along just fine.

Michael: (Age 16)

     Karen had adopted you just the day before. She told you that your older brother, Michael, would be meeting you today. When you woke up, you immediately ran to the bathroom to shower. After you finished showering, you unwrapped your y/f/c dyed hair from your towel. You had gotten permission from the owner of the orphanage to dye it. You combed it out and decided to let it air dry and do a natural wave thing. You pulled on your Iron Maiden shirt from a Flight 666 concert that you got to see, as well as a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. "Mom?" A loud voice called from downstairs after the front door slammed shut. You didn't hear it since you were listening to Green Day with earbuds. You walked down the stairs into the kitchen. "Is that her?" Your brother, who you were unaware was in the room, asked Karen. "Yeah." She replied. He walked up behind you and hugged you, causing you to scream. "Oh, hi." You said, pulling out your earbuds. "I'm Michael." He said. "And I'm guessing Karen, your mom, told you who I am already?" You asked. "Yeah she did Y/N." "Wait, where did you get that shirt?" He asked. "Oh, I got to go to one of the Flight 666 concerts and got this there." You replied. "Aw, I wanted to go so bad. I was on tour though, with my band, Fi-" "I know who y'all are." You cut him off. "Oh yeah, nice hair by the way." You commented, pointing at his neon pink hair. "Thanks, yours is cool too. What brand dye did you use?" He replied, and you two were lost in conversation.

Ashton: (Age 9) (you are older)

     Your mom was sitting in a hospital room, a baby wrapped in a blue blanket in her arms. "What's his name?" You asked. "Ashton." She replied, just as he opened his eyes, which were a bright hazel colour. "Ashton, meet Y/N, your sister." She said, causing you to blush.

Sorry Ashton's is so short k ran out of ideas.

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