9: He Thinks You Aren't Acting Yourself

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Luke: (15)

     You had been acting happier than usual. You were gigglier and smiled more, so your brother and his bandmates joked that you were a 'mini Ashton' and not Luke's sister. The truth was you and your longtime crush started dating.

"Hey Y/N." Luke said, poking his head into your bedroom.

"Hi, do you need something?" You asked with your seemingly permanent smile.

"You've been acting differently lately, what's up with that?"

"Oh, do you remember (Your crush's name)?" You asked.

"Yeah, why?" He nodded slowly.

"Well, we've been dating for a month or so, is all." Your smile grew even wider.

"He really makes you happy, doesn't he?" Luke was just happy to see you happy, even if it meant his little sister was dating. You nodded.

Calum: (13)

     Today had been a harder day for you. Sure, the bullies were there everyday, but today they were harsher, and some of the insults hit harder than the others.

"Y/N only got seventy-two percent on the test, what an idiot." The leader of the group of bullies said. They were following you as you walked home from school, one of them lived a few streets over from you.

"Stop." You said quietly

"I know right, and she's so fat too." Another laughed.

"Stop it." You repeated, louder this time.

"Or what? You'll tell your mommy on us?" The leader said.

You started walking faster, your eyes had teared up and you didn't want them to see. You turned around a corner and started walking up the pathway to your house. You walked in the front door and set your bag down next to it.

"Y/N is that you?" Calum called from the kitchen.

"Y-Yeah." You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering. You wiped tears away from your eyes, only for more to take their place immediately. You quickly ran upstairs to your bedroom, where you curled up on your bed and cried. Calum opened your door and frowned.

"Okay, this isn't the Y/N I know. Tell me what's going on." Calum sat down next to you. You sat up.

"T-The um, the bullies were harsher than normal today. I-I'm fine, though." He frowned even more at that.

"No, you're not, don't lie to either of us." Calum hugged you.

Let's just say, after that day, the principal received an 'anonymous' email about the group of bullies, who all had week long suspensions.


So my phone broke and my iPad is dead so I'm writing this on my mom's laptop and the spacebar is broken so typing is difficult, so I'll write the Michael and Ashton parts later

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