Chapter 9 - It's Complicated

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After my kiss with Blake, everything between me and Michael had turned awkward, to say the least. He ignored me for the most part of the day and I'm pretty sure the other boys know about the kiss because they glare at me whenever I'm on my phone. Texting.

But my relationship with Blake was the total opposite. We hang out every chance we get and yesterday he kissed me again. It had been a week since our first kiss and I was feeling great. Apart from the obvious of course.

Currently, I was seated on the couch next to Ashton. Calum again was out with the same girl from earlier in the week that none of us had met yet. And somehow he had kept it out of the public eye. Smart boy.

"Ash do you know why Michael has been ignoring me" okay so I kind of knew. He walked on me kissing a boy. In my room. Alone. But still hasn't he gotten over it by now. Like what's stuck up his ass?

"Wait he's ignoring you," Ashton asks me. "Well duh, how haven't you picked up on that"? I ask him. I thought it was completely obvious to be honest. "Okay then why don't you guys do something you can both bond over then, like dying your or his hair" he suggests. Okay, so that was actually a good idea. Wow.

"I didn't know you had it in you, Ashton Fletcher Irwin. Really a good idea" I tell him and get up to escape to my room. Maybe just maybe this could work.


Michael had just arrived home with Luke after working in the studio all day and so I decided to ask him as soon as possible. Meaning now. Luke had just called everyone down to eat and I was excited. Maybe he would actually talk to me now.

I walk down stairs in a Blue and Green top that I managed to steal from one of the boys laundry baskets, (after being washed of course) and some black leggings and furry purple socks.

I sit down and am amazed that for once we're not eating Pizza. But Chinese.

"So Michael I was wondering if you wanted to help me dye my hair," I ask him hoping for him to say yes or, at least, okay. "Sure". I don't try to push him anymore as I'm afraid he will take back his answer. "What color are you dying it, Charlie," Ash asks obviously trying to make conversation at the deadly quiet table.

"I'm keeping the blonde but dying my bottom half pink" I answer. Michael snorts at my response earning a glare from everyone else around him. Including myself. "What" I snarl. "You do realize that if you change your hair you'll never be able to go back to the original blonde color". I send a glare his way. "Of course, I know that dumbass I'm not stupid" I snap. Everyone's eyes immediately stop glaring at Michael and their attention turns to me.

"What and I am" Michael shouts. "That's what I said didn't I" I correct him. "Charlie go to your room" Calum speaks up. "I haven't seen you in I don't know how many days and now you're telling me to go to my room. Great parenting Calum really just great" I answer and turn around heading to my room. So much for my good mood.

"Is that my shirt" is the last thing I hear before I slam my bedroom door shut. Bang.

(Next Morning)

I'm woken to a screaming in my ear. "Charlie get up" the voice of Michael rings.

"I'm up, I'm up," I tell him hopping out of bed. I ignore his stare's since I'm literally just wearing a shirt and pajama shorts, that are well, short. 

"Now what did you so graciously wake me for," I ask him "are we doing your hair or not" he answers and I mentally scream inside, maybe he will actually talk to me for once. It's not like he has been lately or anything.

"Thank you thank you thank you Mikey" I wrap my arms around him in a tight grip, it takes him a while to react but eventually he also wraps his arms around me. "Yeah yeah now I already went and got the dye, just meet me in the kitchen" he answers as I unwrap my arms from the koala hold.

He goes off to where I can only assume the dye it kept as I do as told and enter the kitchen.

"Charlie you're up," Calum states surprised, "well why wouldn't I be," I ask eyebrow raised. "No reason" and he walks off leaving me alone in the kitchen, by myself, waiting for Michael.

I hear forthcoming footsteps and Michael enters the room, hair dye in his hands.

"So how did you want it again," he asks me I tell him that I wanted the bottom half done he, of course, was objective just as the night before but agrees anyway. Considering he knew the color I'm guessing he knew where I wanted it, maybe he was just giving me a chance to change my mind. Or maybe he actually forgot.

I notice the gloves are already on his hands but he doesn't do anything. "What are you waiting for," I ask him. "You have to take your hair out and brush it" he answers, I nod my head realizing that he is indeed right.

I take it out of its ponytail and grab the hairbrush that sits next to Michael.

He then takes the brush out of my hands and brushes my hair himself, probably wanting this to be over as soon as possible instead of having me take about a million years. As I usually do.

He then grabs a towel wrapping it around the top half of my body. "If it was Calum's or Luke's shirt I couldn't care less if it got ruined but it's Ashton's and he can be a pain in the ass so don't let me get it dirty or ruin it," he says. Huh judging my the voice last night I could have sworn it was Calum who yelled that.

My bad I guess.

He after a short while starts on my hair being as gentle as can be or, at least, I think he's trying to be. Apparently when Michael done Calum's hair recently he has done it the roughest he could. But boys will be boys, right?

He asks me where I want him to stop and so I signal to the area just below the middle of my hair.

He continues with the dye until it's all out. Since I was only doing half of my hair it wasn't so much a problem, if it had been my whole head then things might have gotten tricky. Like a lot. Dye only lasts until it runs out, kinda like most things.

"Now go and take a shower and wash it out, once you have done that come back downstairs and I'll dry it for you," he tells me. And so for the second time today I do as told bumping into Luke on the way.

"Huh so he actually did it for you," Luke asks, "yeah something like that". I don't bother talking to him any longer and instead, race up to my room, entering the joined bathroom.

I have a shower and realize just how long I had been once glancing at the clock.

But hey it's not my fault hair dye takes forever to wash out.

I dry my hair a little not wanting the water to drip anywhere but I do go then go down stairs letting Michael dry it with a hairdryer instead of how I dried it with a towel.

He does as so and brushes it once again. This time being a tad bit rougher and tells me to look in the mirror that must have been brought out from one of the boys bedrooms or something.

I walk over to the mirror that had been situated in the corner of the kitchen. And as soon as I saw I was amazed, literally. I wasn't just saying that because it was me but he had done a really great job.

"Thank you, Thank you, Mikey," I screech, he laughs as I wrap him into a hug for the second time today.

We pull away a little quicker this time but instead I realize that I'm pushed up against the kitchen  wall.

I look Michael in the eyes as his arms once again snake around my waist. He leans in and in that moment I can tell that all is forgotten, the tension from earlier, the attitude from the past days because I am KISSING Michael Clifford.

My arms wrap around his neck as I pull him closer not wanting to break contact with him.

Eventually we pull back for air and we stare at each other for a good 5 seconds before his eyes go wide and he runs, but this time it was away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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