Chapter 3 Concert

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A/N:Hi guys,here's a tip read the story before you watch the video.

Third Person's POV

Rin stretch out her arms,"Hey,Len,don't you think 'Hirari,Hirari' is kinda boring?"Rin asked her twin brother who is still fixing it's hair."Yeah,it's a sad music"Len replied still fixing his hair.(A/N:Len stop it,your already handsome,shucks XD)
"How about our brand new song 'Childish War' it's kinda funny you know"Rin replied back while chuckling a little(A/N:Guys,I know 'Childish war' isn't new but stick with it for a second okay)"Yeah,but I'll be the knife"Len replied back with a small grin planted on his lips"Fine,challenge accepted!"Rin shouted back.Meanwhile.............

At the crowd:
"Man,I'm tired of waiting for the next song,let's go already Tetsu"said a man with a dark blue hair and tanned skin."Dai-chan,wait a little longer Tetsu-kun,PLEASE!"said by the girl with pink hair."I can understand you,Momoi-san,but aren't they guys just attending the school as us"said by the boy, who has a teal colored hair and also short."I know but,I hardly see them,besides Len-sama is so cool,also Rinhime-sama is so cute and pretty and *blah*"Momoi said with a sparkling eyes."Tetsu?"Aomine asked Kuroko,and Kuroko just nod.So they continued the concert.

On stage:

Both twin's POV

We both hold hands and say a little speech."Minna,sorry if the first song is kinda sleepy,and so we decided to sing 'Childish War'."we both said at the same time.
Then they started singing the song.

After the Concert:

Momoi's side:

Momoi is humming 'Childish War', while skipping a little,hat made Aomine sweatdroped "You, satisfied now?"Aomine asked Momoi who was about to knock Kuroko,luckily Kuroko dodged and she replied"Yes!"and turn to a normal walking position,without even saying sorry.Kuroko didn't bother to make her beg for forgiveness since he's kind.Asking why she didn't budge to say sorry?
Answer:She didn't noticed Kuroko.

Kagamine's side:

"My lord,your ride is ready"said by Len's butler,since they wanted a seperate butlers."Yes,thank you wait for us in 5 hrs"Len replied to his butler,while Rin is still busy with practicing for the next concert."Len,break is over!"the trainer shouted at Len because he was far.Because the practice room is like a queen sized room."Okay!"Len shouted back as a reply.Then they continue practicing.


At France:

"Maybe we should contact them,about us going to Japan"the girl said pestering her friend,the girl has blonde hair and sky blue eyes."No,this going to be a surprise *beep*-chan"said the boy with red hair,and the girl couldn't argue with this boy cause if she did,that will be her problem.So she did agree with the plan.

A/N:Hello did you enjoy? Hehe,those guys looks suspicous,could you tell, from What anime did they come from?That will be my secret for now.;-)


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