Chapter 12. Birthdays and Tattoos

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Hey everybody this is just a special chapter because it is December 1, 2015 and it's, drumroll please, Zoë Kravitz, the girl who plays Christina in Divergent, birthday!!!! This chapter goes to her. There might be some smut in here but not that much like PG-13, seriously.


I wake up in a apartment I've never been in before. I see movement on the couch and look over. There lays Fo-Toby. I get up and walk over to him, but I'm cut short when he awakens. He stretches then finally looks at me. His eyes soften when he stands up and walks towards me. I don't know what he's going to do so I stay where I am.

When he engulfs me in a hug, I hug him back. I wince as he puts pressure on my back.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He asks pulling away and looking at my face. I shake my head not wanting to talk about it anymore. "Tell me what's wrong. You can tell me anything you know." I sigh and turn around. There's no going back now.

I lift up my shirt up and off with my back facing him. I hear him gasp then feel his fingers tracing my old and new scars. I hear rustling and turn around to find his back to me with his shirt off. Covering his entire back is a tattoo of all five faction symbols. At the bottom is Amity, the tree, starting like the roots of the tattoo. Next is the Erudite, the eye. On top of that is the Candor, the scales, in the middle of the tattoo to even it out. After that comes Abnigation, the helping hands, cradling the Dauntless flames. Under the tattoo you can still see outlines of all the scars.

"Why all of them?" I ask still admiring the tattoo.

"Because I don't just want to be one thing. I can't be. I want to be brave, and I want to be selfless, honest, intelligent, and kind." He turns to face me, "Well, I'm still working on kind." He smiles a little. I smile back. He leans down and presses his lips to mine. Our lips move in sync like we've done this a million times before, even though we haven't.

I pull away the slightest bit, "What time is it?" Our lips brush with every word. I see his eyes advert to the clock for a while until he meets mine again.

"It's 7:13 and you don't have to be in the training room until 8:00. If you want you can go back to the dorm and change." He pecks my lips.

"No I think I can wait." I say with a smile. I kiss him again until we both pull away, breathless. He puts on his shirt and I look down and realize that I'm just standing in front of him in my bra. I quickly put on my shirt and sit on the bed with Toby beside me.

He pulls me close to him and asks the question I've been dreading all my life. "Did Marcus do this to you?" He looks at me and I take a deep breath.

"Yes. A year after you left, he had said that he needed help around the house so I went because Caleb was to busy. The first time I walked into the living room and he had a belt. He came over to me and said 'this is for your own good.' And started beating me. After he was finished it had been hours and I was bleeding badly. All through it he would say things like, 'You deserve more worse then this.' and 'Your the reason he left.' He said that if I wanted my family to live then...then I would come over there every day and I won't tell anyone about this. Some days he would come home drunk and he...he...he would go way to far and...." Before I can even finish, sobs are racking my body and tears are running down my face hard and fast. He pulls me into a hug and I cry into his T-shirt.

"Did he ever... you know... like... finish?" He asks when I calm down and in his lap.

"Yes. But I'm pretty sure I got pregnant then had so many miscarriages because of his beatings." He nods his head calmly, but it looks like he's about to rip someone's head off.

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