Chapter 19 Results

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This is when they see their results

Tris POV

I finally convinced Christina that I didn't have to where a dress to the banquet. I walk with Christina, Will, and Al to the dining hall. Chris's heels clacking as I look down at my black combat boots. Even though I know I did great in the SIMS, I'm having my doubts because it looks as if Eric has it out for me since he found out I went to Erudite to see Caleb.

When we reach the doors Chris stops us. "Wait guys. . . . We need to make a grande entrance. Follow me lead." Chris fixes her hair then when she's ready, she bangs the doors open. Causing every one to look out way, all conversation ending. Chris walks in, crossing her legs in some weird way, swinging her hips back and forth.

I look over at Will and he looks back at me. We both shrug our shoulders then start forward, walking like Christina was, flipping our hair every once and a while. Well I was flipping my hair while Will was just flipping the air. While we make our way through the now laughing crowd, I catch Tobias's eyes.

I smile and wink at him, earning a smile back. I have to admit that part of my nerves are from what I have to tell him. Will and I high five and laugh when we reach the table, Al following close behind.

A microphone squeals somewhere, so loud I clap my hands over my ears. I look across the room at Eric, who stands on one of the tables with the microphone in hand, tapping it with his fingertips. After the tapping is done in the crowd of Dauntless is quiet, Eric clears his throat and begins.

"We aren't big on speeches here. Eloquence is for Erudite," he says. The crowd laughs. I wonder if they know that he was in Erudite once; that under all the pretense of Dauntless recklessness and even brutality, he is more like an Erudite than anything else. If they did, I doubt they would laugh at him. "So I'm going to keep this short. It's a new year, and we have a new pack of initiates. And a slightly smaller pack of new members. We offer them our congratulations."

At the word 'congratulations' the room erupts, not into applause, but into the pounding of fists on tabletops. The noise vibrates in my chest, and I grin.

"We believe in bravery. We believe in taking action. We believe in freedom from fear and in acquiring the skills to force the bad out of our world so that the good can prosper and thrive. If you also believe in these things, we welcome you."

Even though I know Eric probably doesn't believe in any of those things, I find myself smiling, because I believe in them. No matter how badly the leaders have warped the Dauntless ideals, those ideals can still belong to me.

More pounding fists, this time accompanied by whoops.

"Tomorrow, in their first act as members, our top ten initiates will choose their professions, in the order of how they are ranked," Eric says. "The rankings, I know, are what everyone is really waiting for. They are determined by a combination of three scores—the first, from the combat stage of training; the second, from the simulation stage, and the third, from the final examination the fear land-scape. The rankings will appear on the screen behind me."

As soon as the word 'me' leaves his mouth, the names appear on the screen, which is almost as large as the wall itself. Next to the number one is my picture and the name 'Tris.'

A weight in my chest lifts. I didn't realize it was there until it was gone, I didn't have to feel it anymore. I smile, and a tingling spreads through me. First. Divergent or not, this faction is where I belong.

I forget about war; I forget about death. Will's arms wrap around me and he gives me a bear hug. I hear cheering and laughing and shouting. Christina points at the screen, her eyes wide and filled with tears.

1. Tris
2. Uriah
3. Lynn
4. Marlene
5. Peter

Peter stays. I suppress a sigh. But then I read the rest of the names.

6. Will
7. Christina
8. James
9. Emily
10. Al

I smile, and Christina reaches across the table to hug me. I am too distracted to protest against the affection. She laughs in my ear.

Someone grabs me from behind and shouts in my ear. It's Uriah. I can't turn around, so I reach back and squeeze his shoulder.

"Congratulations!" I shout

"You beat them!" He shouts back. He releases me, laughing, and runs into a crowd of Dauntless-born initiates.

I crane my neck to look at the screen again. I follow the list down one more time.

Eight and nine are Dauntless-borns whose names I barley recognize.

Eleven and twelve are Molly and Drew.

Molly and Drew are cut. Drew, who tried to run away while Peter held me by the throat over the chasm, and Molly, who fed the Erudite lies about my father, are factionless.

It isn't quite the victory I wanted, but it's a victory nothingless.

Will and Christina kiss, a little too sloppily for my taste. All around me is the pounding of Dauntless fists. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Tobias standing behind me. I get up, beaming.

"You think a hug would give too much away?" he says.

"You know," I say, "I really don't care." I stand on my tiptoes and press my lips to his. When we pull away from each other, I take in the sight of Al, Will, Christina, and Uriah smirking. We also managed to catch the attention of  the clamor of the Dauntless surrounding us.

"Tobias?" I whisper slightly so no one else can hear.

"Yes Bea?"

I look down, forming my words carefully. "Tobias, I-I'm p-pregnant." I look up to see his reaction to be met with his dark blue eyes filled with joy.

He lifts me up and spins me around, placing small kisses on my lips. When he sets me down, I notice that we caught the attention of the whole room. I hear clapping from behind me.

"Well, well, well," Eric's voice rung out, "looks like the stiff her used her instructor to get a good rank. I think that they should-" He gets cut off by two Erudite guards go up behind him and Max and handcuff him.

Caleb appears beside them and starts talking to Eric and Max.

"Eric, Max, you two are arrested for taking part in the plan of the attack on Abnegation. Take them away boys." As the guards take them to who knows where, Caleb's eyes find mine as he walks towards me. He embraces me in a  hug and whisper in my ear.

"You were right, I'm so sorry. I left the Erudite as soon as I found out. I guess I'm factionless now. And Erudite doesn't have a leader anymore."

I look up at Tobias and he nods at me. I look back at Caleb to see him looking back at me.

"Well, since you did actually save Abnegation from a war, I think it would be appropriate to accept you into Dauntless. Of course you will have to go through initiation. Deal?" I reach out my hand for him to shake.

"Deal." Caleb puts his hand in my free one that so happens to be my left hand, causing him to see the ring. He raises an eyebrow at me.

'Later' I mouth.

Okay people's!!!!!! That's it except their will be an epilogue that I'm working on right after I publish this. Yes there will be a sequel but I will not post it until either the end of summer of the start of December. It just depends on how much of the book I get done.

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