Chapter 26

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Laura pov.

''Do you like this one?'' Emma asked. I shook my head and she held another up. No.

''How about this one?'' Jane asked. No. How can people like that?

''Come on choose already! We only have few hours left until the ceremony!'' Emma said annoyed.

''But I don't like any of them!'' I shoot back. How can I wear something that I don't like?

Yesterday, after the meeting, Emma came and asked me if I have something to wear for the ceremony today. We looked through my closet and didn't find anything. Emma said that we need to go shopping for dresses. I was really happy about that.

Emma and I last went shopping when we had a girls day. That was weeks ago! We used to love shopping together. No we still love shopping!

We asked Ross if it was okay and he said that we have to bring guards with us. I instantly picked Carter, Oliver and Daniel. They were really funny.

Ross gave me his credit card, but I argued with him. I didn't want to spend his money. I have my own, but he said that what's his, is mine. After ten minutes of arguing I finally gave in and he won.

Now Emma, Jane and I were shopping for dresses for the ceremony, what was five hours away. Every dress that they shoved me, I denied.

We already found Jane's and Emma's dress. Jane's dress was black that ended just above her knees. It was tight and on the shoulders there were little rhinstones.

Emma's dress was simple and purple that was free and loose.

''There is nothing in this shop let's go somewhere else.'' I said and they nodded. We walked out of the shop and the guys groaned. I laughed and we went to another shop.

''We need to find a dress that shoves that you are the white wolf and that symbolizes your powers too.'' Emma said looking through some clothes.

I nodded, looking at some clothes too, ''That is a good idea, but there is nothing.''

''How about this one?'' Jane asked. I turned around and gasped. It was perfect.

It was a white, loose dress that went all the way down. At the end it was blue, symbolizing water. Under the breast's it was red, symbolizing the fire. It was perfect.

''Perfect.'' I said happy and the girls smiled. I grabbed the dress and went into the changing room to put it on. It fit me perfectly. It was like the dress was meant for me.

I walked out and the girls screamed happy. I smiled and twirled around.

''It's perfect.'' Jane said and Emma nodded.

''You look amazing.'' Emma said.

''Come on. We have to go back to the pack house to get ready.'' Jane said and I nodded. I quickly went back in the changing room to change.

I walked out, paid for the dress and we went home.

Like the last time we went home, the boys were telling some funny jokes and embarrassing memories of themselves. I was crying from the laughter, so were Jane and Emma.

''No I didn't!'' Carter shoot back at Oliver, who was laughing his ass off.

''Yes you did!! Your face was full of mud!'' Oliver said and started to laugh more probably remembering the scene. How I wish I was there to see it.

One year ago Carter liked a human girl. She was really shy and quiet. He was practical 'In love' with her, how Daniel said. Anyway... one day he wanted to ask the girl out. It was a rainy day. He went to the girl from behind and poked her shoulder. The girl got scared and shoot her arm back, witch contacted with his face with a lot of force. She knocked Carter down and he landed face first in the mud.

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