Chapter 33

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Laura pov.

''Finally we're out!'' Aiden said, happy, walking out of the plane.

''Yeah finally no more Aiden!'' Jane said smirking.

''Oh stop acting like that! Everybody knows that you love me.'' Aiden said. Harry growled at Aiden and Jane started to laugh.

''Me? Love you? Ha ha.'' Jane said between laughs holding her stomach. I couldn't help but laugh with her. Emma started to laugh with me and Jane while Ross, James and the guards were smirking.

''Oh don't lie. I know you do.'' Aiden said, smirking as well.

''I wouldn't love you if you were the last man on earth.'' Jane said still laughing.

''Say what you want to say. I know that every girl loves me.'' Aiden said and looked at Emma and then at me. Ross and James stopped smirking and growled at Aiden, pulling us close.

''Oh please... the only girls who will maybe love you are your mother and your mate'' Jane said.

''They love me just like everyone else.'' Aiden said.

''So they don't love you too?'' Jane said and started to laugh with everyone else. Aiden gasped playfully. I just smiled and tried not to laugh.

''Okay enough with this. Let's go to the cars so we can go back.'' Ross said when he finished laughing.

Everyone grabbed their bags and went to the SUVs. We jumped in the SUVs and started to head back to our pack.

I stared out of the window, looking at the trees. It was good to be back. All I wanted now was to jump out of the car and shift so I could breath in the beautiful scent of the pack and forest.

I saw a brown wolf running in the forest besides our cars. I know it was one of our packs guards. I smiled at him and he nodded at me with respect. Seeing him run, made me want to run and shift even more.

We drove for about ten more minutes before Ross stopped the car in front of the pack house. I looked at it and smiled. I haven't been here for two weeks and already miss it like crazy.

Opening the door I heard someone running and then yelling, ''Ross! Jane!''

I looked behind me and saw Sophia running with a huge smile on her face. She had a little brown bear in her arms that she was barely holding. She was running as fast as she could.

When Jane saw her she smiled and opened her arms wide so Sophie could run into them. When Sophie finally reached Jane she jumped in her arms and Jane picked her up, spinning her around.

''Hey little one.'' Jane said with a big smile on her face.

''I missed you.'' Sophie said hugging Jane.

''Aww I missed you too.'' Jane said. Sophie looked at Ross and Ross gave her a sweet smile. She jumped out of Janes arms and went into Ross's.

''I missed you as well.'' Sophie said, happy to be in hers cousins arms again.

''We missed you too Soph.'' Ross said. He put her down on the ground and Sophie looked at me.

''Hey Laura!''

''Hey Sophie.'' I said and gave her a smile as well.

''You're back!'' said Stormie walking out of the house with her mate, Mark.

''Hey mom.'' Jane said and hugged her mom.

''Hello I'm guessing you're Amos?'' Mark asked.

''Yes.'' Amos answered and they shook hands.

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