Chapter 32

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Laura pov.

Two weeks later

''Bye Amos see you tomorrow!!'' I said walking away. He waved back with a smile and turned around to go into his house. I turned around as well, but in the other direction and shifted into my wolf and started to run towards my car. In the run Carter, Oliver and Daniel joined me. Ross didn't let me leave the room alone so I had body guards everywhere I went.

It has been two weeks now from the first day I started to train with Amos. I had learned a lot. I practically was a pro. Everyday I trained with Amos for about four or three hours. After my training Ross trained but he didn't train today because his dad called and today they are working together to help the pack.

I forgave Ross completely after one week. He asked me to go to dates everyday and did everything I asked him to do. Every morning I found Rosses in front of me when
I woke up. He served me breakfast in bed. The boys even made jokes about him doing that, but he said that he didn't care what they said. He said that he would do anything to make me happy. When I said that I forgive him and he can stop with these things he didn't, he still continued to do these things and that made me love him even more.

Our friends almost did nothing but travel around Africa. They would go to different beaches and towns and so on. Sometimes some would stay home or come with me and Ross to watch how we train.

When we reached the end of the woods me and the guys shifted back and walked to the car.

''So how the training went?'' Carter asked.

''Just like every other one, but just a little shorter.'' I said and he nodded, ''What did you guys do when I was training?''

They looked at each other and then away from me. I looked at them weirdly, still walking to the car, ''Spill.''

Oliver looked back at me and gulped, ''Please promise us that you won't say anything to Ross, because I know that he already hates me and wants me killed.''

''Why would you say that?'' I asked him opening the door of the car and jumping in along with the guys.

''Don't you remember the first day we were here? We were looking for Amos and you hugged me. From that moment Ross started to hate me. He thinks we spend too much time together and thinks that I am stealing you away from him.'' Oliver said and the guys started to laugh along with me.

''Really?'' I asked, ''just because of a hug?''

''You know how mates are! And the Alphas are even worse!'' Oliver said.

''Okay I will talk to him about it-''I started but Oliver interrupted me.

''No please no! He will hate me even more!'' he practically yelled.

''No I will talk to him and he won't do anything. He knows what will happen if his not listening to what I say.'' I said, ''Now tell me what were you doing while I was training?''

Daniel started the car and drove away while no one else talked, ''Tell me!''

''Fine'' Carter started, ''We were...we!''

I looked at him weirdly, ''Slower.''

'' the...-'' he started again.

''Normal speed you idiot!'' I said annoyed.

''We went to the ocean to swim while you were training. But please don't tell Ross! He will kill us for not doing our job and not protecting his mate!'' Carter said scared.

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