Chapter 40

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Laura pov.

The day of the eclipse

Today is the day. Today is the eclipse. The day I am going to be fighting with Derek. Just a few hours left.

After the fire Ross has been on the edge. He put guards everywhere. Wherever you go there will be guards. He even put guards to protect me when he is not around witch happens really rarely because he doesn't leave my side.

Not only Ross but everyone else is one the edge too. Parents are running around trying to put their children in safe places. Guards are running around preparing for the war. Everyone is just running around.

As I walk around the pack house to check if everything is okay I see mothers hugging their children and saying that everything is going to be okay and that they will be back soon or mates hugging each other knowing that one of them may or may not come back.

That just makes me feel more guilty because I know that this is all happening because of me. If I just wouldn't have come here they would be okay. They wouldn't have to worry about their safety and their children's safety or their mates.

Ross keeps on telling me that this is not my fault but I just keep on ignoring him. I know that this all is not my fault that Derek is to blame also but if I would be a rogue no one would get hurt. It would be just me and him. No one else.

I sometimes think of running away but I know that Derek will send rogues here to attack my pack and I have to protect them as much as I can. That's the motive that keeps me here. The pack, my friends and Ross.

Derek hasn't made a move also. It has been quiet ever since the fire at the woman's house whose name I learned later was Anne and the little boys name was Riky.

I know that he is preparing also but I just think it's too quiet. Something isn't right.

''Laura? Are you alright?'' Oliver asked me worried. I looked at him and smiled. I need to be calm. I need to show people around me that I am calm. That I think everything is going to be okay. But inside I'm breaking.

''Yeah I'm fine.'' I answered and he gave me a little smile back, ''I'm going to talk to Amos. I need to ask him somethings.''

''Okay. I'm coming with you.'' he answered and I nodded and stood up. I walked up stairs to Amos room with Oliver following behind me. I knocked on his door and waited for an answer. When I heard I quiet ''yes'' I walked in. Oliver also walked in but he stood next to the doors.

''Hey Amos.'' I said and gave him a little smile.

''Hello Laura.'' Amos answered and looked up from his book, ''May I help you?''

''I was just wondering have you found anything new that could help us? Or maybe know if Derek is up to something?'' I asked as I went closer to him.

''No, I was just reading this book to look for something that may or may not be useful for you.'' Amos said and gave me a little smile but I could see worry in his eyes. Amos has been training my powers everyday now and I have learned a lot.

''Oh.'' I said, ''Have you found anything?''

''Not something that you already know.'' he answered.

''Okay,'' I said and sat down on his bed, ''Is everything okay?''

''What do you mean Laura?'' Amos asked confused.

''You looked worried. Is there something that I should know?'' I asked him.

''Well there is something that I found.'' Amos said and looked at the book.

''What is it?'' I asked him now worried.

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