Chapter 37

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Laura pov.

Two days before the eclipse

''Morning.'' I said walking in the kitchen.

''Morning Laura.'' Emma said, ''How did you sleep?''

''Good. You?'' I asked her as I went to sit down.

''Good. Want breakfast? I made eggs with bacon.'' She said and I smiled.

''You know that I will always want bacon.'' I said and she chuckled and went to put my breakfast on a plate.

''Where is Ross?'' she asked me and put the plate in front of me.

''Thanks.'' I said and took a bite from the bacon, ''I'd have to ask the same question about James.''

''Well he is out. He went for a run before going to the border to help the guards. It was his turn right now to guard the packs territory.'' She explained, ''Now where is your mate?''

''He is in his office.'' I said and she nodded.

'' our old pack is coming right?'' Emma asked and I nodded.

''Yes, they are going to be here few hours before the training so we can train together.'' I explained.

''By the way, how is it going with the girls? Have some acted that they are weak?'' Emma asked. I shook my head.

''From what I can tell, they all are trying their best at the training. Some are really good and but there are a few girls that won't be going in the war with us. They will have to go with the children and protect them.'' I said.

''And are the pack members safe? You know from the attack yesterday from the rogues?'' Emma asked worried.

''Yes they are fine. Some are still healing, because the rogues left big wounds in them but they are going to be fine. Some are out right now and running around the pack territory. Ross have told them that they won't have to go back at the border to guard the territory because they have to rest so they could help us in the war, but some refused to rest. They said that they would do anything to help the pack. Even risk their life. Ross and I were really proud of our pack members, but we had to order them to go to rest. They will need it.'' I said,

''They will definitely need the rest.'' Emma said.

''They will.'' I nodded.

''I hope there won't be anymore attacks from the rogues.'' Emma said, again worried.

''I hope as well, but I think that the next fight will be the war. Derek is also smart enough to not send his rogues so he would have more rogues by his side and so the rogues could be stronger at the war.''

''That is also true, but we have to keep our guards up. Derek can do anything.'' Emma said while eating her breakfast, ''Enough with the bad news. Are you happy to see your family again?''

''Of course I am. I haven't seen them for more than a month? I don't even remember when was the last time I saw them.'' I said with a smile while thinking of them.

''They are going to be here for the first time right?'' Emma asked.

''Well my father, my brother, Luke and Dylan have been here before because of work, but the rest will be here for the first time.'' I said.

''Where are they going to stay? I mean there are going to be a lot members from your old pack.'' Emma asked.

''They are going to stay at the pack house. Some of our pack members are going to go live in other pack members house that is close to them.'' I explained.

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