Chapter 4 - Interviews

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"Get up, Glimmer!" Anyanna shouts. Gosh. Can't people get a little more sleep around here? Oh well. I suppose I'd better go, see what she wants.

I get dressed into the dress I was wearing last night and head out to breakfast. Anyanna, Cashmere, Gloss and Marvel are already eating. I grab some food and sit down with them.

"Nice of you to join us for once…" Gloss says to me. I ignore him. If he wants to be grumpy, he can be. I don't care.

"So today we are going to be training you for your interviews tomorrow night," Cashmere says. "Glimmer, you will spend the morning with me and the afternoon with Anyanna. Marvel, you will spend the morning with Anyanna and the afternoon with Gloss."

Good. I like Cashmere. I'm so glad that she will be training me and not Gloss. He probably wouldn't shut up about how I haven't attended any breakfasts apart from todays.

Cashmere lets me finish my breakfast and then we go into my room to talk about how I will be presented at the interviews.

"So how do you want the Capitol to see you?" She asks.

I have no idea how I want to present myself! I want to be confident and I want people to love me… I don't exactly know how to make that work though so I tell Cashmere my thoughts.

"Ok…" she says, thinking. "How about we get Lena to tell us her ideas on your outfit. That will help us decide."

So that's her name. Lena. It's quite nice actually.

I hesitate before replying. I don't really want to speak to Lena because last time she was angry at me. "Ok." I finally decide. She might be able to help us!

Cashmere calls Lena on her Capitol Contact Phone which we call CCP's and she arrives almost immediately. That was quick!

"What do you want…" she says hesitantly, as if she is not sure whether she should be angry at us or not. I think she decides she shouldn’t be because Cashmere is a very popular victor.

"We want to know what ideas you have for Glimmer's costume," Cashmere replies calmly.

"I have a few designs downstairs" Lena mumbles "I'll go get them."

Cashmere and I wait together while Lena gets her designs. When she comes back up, she lays them on the bed.

"So there is this one which is gold and see through. Good for if you want to be flirtatious and over confident. And there is this one which is also gold but it is a bit longer and it's not see through however it is covered in glitter so if you want to go by your name, Glimmer, this one is good. I am happy to make either one for you." She says.

Wow. Her designs are amazing. I wonder why she was so angry at the opening ceremonies for a moment but then I remember the pair from 12. Their outfits were unforgettable.

"What do you think, Glimmer?" Cashmere asks.

I already know what I am going to say. The boys in my district will love it!

"The see though one." I say confidently.

"Are you sure?" Cashmere asks. "It could be very risky if you win. The Capitol might take it the wrong way…"

I have no idea what she means. "I'm certain." I say.

The afternoon with Anyanna is pretty easy. She doesn’t have to teach me much because I already know to sit straight and all that. She gives me shoes with huge heels that even I have trouble walking in but I doubt they will give me heels that high.

The next day I spend with Lena and my prep team. They put gold strands into my hair again and this time, my nails - both fingers and toes - are painted gold. They put gold eye shadow and black mascara on my eyes and they give me some basic, pink lip gloss for on my lips.

Finally, Lena comes in and hands me my dress and some brown sandals. I was hoping for heels but I guess these suit the dress. I put it on and it fits perfectly!

"Glimmer…" Lena whispers. "Did you know what… what Cashmere meant by this could be very risky?"

The way she is talking to me makes me nervous. What if it is something really bad? I take a deep breath before replying, "No, I don't."

"Ok." she says. "I won't scar your innocent mind yet, I'll wait until you come out alive."

That scared me. It must be pretty bad.

"Come on," she says. "Let's get you down to the interviews."

"Welcome Citizens of Panem!" Ceasar Flickerman shouts out to the audience. Everyone cheers in response. "Are you ready to meet this years tributes?"

For the 40 years he has been doing the interviews, apparently he has had a different colour theme. This year, powder blue. He tells a few jokes before introducing me.

"Please welcome, our female tribute from District 1, Glimmer Starr!"

I walk confidently up onto the stage and wave to the audience.

"So Glimmer, what do you miss most at home?" He asks.

"Well, I miss my family and my best friend, Saph." I reply. I hope he doesn’t ask too many deep and meaningful questions.

"And what about a boy back home? Is there a special someone that you will try to win for?"

I have to think about that. But there isn't really anyone at the moment that I love, though there are plenty following after me so I tell them that. When they hear the part about all the guys following after me, they laugh.

"Who wouldn’t fall for you?" Ceasar comments. "So what should we look out for in the arena? If you could kill with beauty I think you would win within a day! Although, there is some tough competition…"

By competition, I think he means Katniss. All the more reason to kill her!

I laugh. "Thanks!" I exclaim. "People need to watch out for my archery skills, I think."

I hear a sound of disbelief. Who was that? I turn towards where I heard the noise and see Katniss sitting there, freaking out over something. It must have been her.

Suddenly, the buzzer goes off and it's time for me to leave.

"Thank you, Glimmer and good luck out there!"

I walk back to my seat, blowing kisses to the audience and waving.

None of the other interviews were particularly interesting, except the last two. Katniss did some stupid twirling thing in her dress. I must admit, it looked pretty cool because she looked like she was engulfed in glittery flames. And she talked about her little sister which was cute but her district partner, Peeta, just blew us all off the charts. He confessed his love for Katniss. We can use him to get her! Yes. That's a great idea. I will have to talk to Cato about it later. Or tomorrow in the arena.

Once the interviews are over, I try to get to Cato but fail. I guess it will have to wait for tomorrow. I should really go up and get some sleep.

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