Chapter 5 - Into the Arena

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I wake up to Anyanna shouting something about "Today is going to be a big day!" so I decide I should get up. Then I remember. Today we enter the arena. I leap out of bed, excited but sort of nervous at the same time. I know I will get home. I have to!

I go out and grab some food before saying a quick goodbye to Anyanna and Cashmere. Lena comes up to me and takes my hand.

"Let's go," she whispers.

We walk up to the roof and grab onto the ladder that hangs down from the hovercraft above us. We are frozen in place as we are lifted up into it. A Capitol lady injects a tracker into my arm, which hurts, but I guess they wouldn’t want me to escape. Didn’t that happen in like the second hunger games? I bet it was their fault that we have to have trackers. Doesn’t matter. I don't really care.

I sit down next to Lena and wait for the hovercraft to take off. I think we have to wait for all the other tributes to join us, even though they will be in different rooms.

We finally start to move! I can't wait to see what this arena will be like! I watch out the window as we fly away from the Capitol. After about an hour, the windows black out.

"We must be getting close," Lena says. Good. I'm getting sick of just sitting around, waiting. I need some action! Suddenly, we slow to a stop and the ladder appears again and lowers us down into the prep rooms. I have some more to eat and drink and Lena helps me into my tribute uniform.

"Nothing really special about this outfit though expect some cold nights for the jacket and the boots will help for running." Lena analyses as she takes out the outfit. "Good luck, Glimmer. I really can see you winning this but even if you don’t, just try your best."

"Thanks, Lena." I say, touched. I always thought she was angry and didn’t want to have anything to do with me but I think now she sees that it isn't my fault, it's Katniss' fault. And her stylist too. Hold on a second.

"Where is my ring?" I ask. "Do you know?"

"I'm sorry, Glimmer." she replies. "The gamemakers and victors took it away. They discovered that when it is twisted, a poisoned spike appears. Did you know that?"

I did but I think that if I tell them, I will never get home! "Oh." I say. "That's a shame. Were any other tokens taken away?" I hope Katniss' was.

"No. Yours is the first ever!"

Dammit. Not Katniss'. I wonder what hers is.

"Tributes, please step onto your plates. You have 60 seconds." we hear a voice announce to us.

I give Lena one last hug and whisper "Thanks for everything" before standing on the plate. After 60 seconds is up, a glass wall separates me from Lena and means that I cannot escape again. Now would be a really bad time to need to go to the bathroom! Suddenly, the plate begins to slowly rise. It rises for what feels like forever before opening in front of the golden cornucopia.

I look around and see a forest behind me and to my left, a lake in front of me and a steep drop to my right. I don't want to know what's down there. Probably lots of monsters and stuff. Clove is two plates down from me, Marvel is next to her and Cato and Sara must be on the other side of the cornucopia because I can't see them. Peeta is to my right. He shakes his head at someone and I wonder who. That's when I notice the bow. Perfect for me! I have to get it.

The 60 seconds is up and all hell breaks loose. I sprint over to the bow and grab some knives on the way. I can use them to stab now and give them to Clove later. I think in the whole bloodbath, I make 2 or 3 kills. My parents and district should be proud. After the bloodbath, I see Peeta hanging around so I gather my existing allies and tell them.

"I think we should take him on so we can find her." I say. Her being Katniss.

"Good idea." Cato says. He agrees with me! Yay!

"I'll go get him." I say and start to walk over to Peeta. "Hey loverboy! Watcha doin'?" I say as I get closer

"Nothing…" He says. As if.

"That's not true. Waiting for your girlfriend?"

"She isn't my girlfriend." He says defensively. "She probably hates me."

"Awwww! Well do you want to spend some time with me and my friends? Then you will have food and shelter and weapons…" I say, making it sound like it will be the best thing in the world.

"Fine!" he says. "Fine. I'll come. But only if you promise this isn't a trap."

"Promise" I say and smile sweetly before grabbing his hands and leading him over to the others.

As I walk up with Peeta, Cato is explaining to the others what we will do tonight.

"We hunt by night." He says. "So we should pick out what we want now, get some sleep then head out! Get excited!" He shouts to us.

I cheer with Clove and Cato. Marvel and Peeta hang back, unsure. I knew Marvel would be like that and I guess Peeta makes sense - being from district 12.

I wander over to the cornucopia and grab a backpack. I open it and find it has some food, night vision goggles, a bottle of water and a bottle of iodine. I take the stuff out and grab a bigger pack. It has a sleeping bag, more food, a first aid kit and some rope. This is a good one so I shove the stuff from the other pack into this pack, zip it up and sling it over my shoulder. I grab the bow and arrows and the knives and walk back over to the others. I give Peeta a knife because he hasn't taken a weapon.

"Here." I say. "You will need this."

"Ummm… Thanks but I'd rather not…" he replies but I break in.

"Sorry but it is a requirement in this games to have a weapon."

He mumbles something about most people have nothing and walks away towards the forest and peers through the trees. I wonder what he is looking at. Who cares? I think as I walk back to the others.

"Who is going on first watch?" I ask Cato. "I really want to get some sleep before we go hunting tonight!"

"Peeta!" Cato shouts. "We need to talk about some stuff!"

Peeta reluctantly turns from the woods and walks towards us. I have a feeling he doesn’t like this alliance but he has a reason he wants to stay. I desperately want to know now!

As soon as Peeta gets over, Cato talks to us about watch rosters.

"I'll go first," Peeta says. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep anyway."

Cato looks at the rest of the group doubtfully. "What do you think?" He asks us

"Well," I say, "He is a part of the alliance so he should pull his weight. Seeing as he willingly joined us, he should be happy to help. Right, Peeta?"

"Right!" He says and smiles.

"See?" I whisper to Cato. "It will be fine!"

"Ok, Peeta." Cato says. "You can be on first watch and Clove will go after you. Then Marvel. Glimmer, Sara and I will be first and second tomorrow and then we will keep rotating in that order unless someone has objections on the day due to injury. Got that?"

No one replies. Everyone understands.

"Good. Now everyone, into the cornucopia to rest. Except Peeta, of course." Cato says and everyone files into the cornucopia except for Peeta who stays standing and watching everyone go in before moving to his chosen spot. I hope he can see everything from there. If not, he will have to walk around the cornucopia all night! Well, afternoon.

"Wake me when you have had enough!" Clove calls to him before curling next to Cato to sleep. I wanted to do that! Oh well. I find a place as far away from the others as I can get which is right up against the back wall. The golden metal is warm because of the sun and I fall asleep instantly.

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