Chapter Three

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Stephaine's POV

"Well, fancy meeting you four fine ladies in this neighborhood..." The new boy from school said as he approached Roni's car which we just got out from. But whoa! This boy was very good looking!

But something was off about him.

"We could ask you the same." I say back to him as he icy blue eyes held my gaze. Yep, how could you not melt from those eyes and not be terrified?

"For your information blondy, I actually moved here not so long ago. About a day or so ago?" He told me.

"That was you...?" I heard Roni say to herself as we exchanged a look.

"You don't look rich." I blurted out.

"What do I look like then? Tell me. I'm dying to know..." He said coming up to me closer. VERY close... Maybe a bit too close...

"Uh... I-I don't know...?" I stumbled on my words. He played with my golden locks and I smacked his hand away gently but that didn't do anything...

"So uh, where ya from?" Roni asked to try and distract him but just my luck, he was all over me... Well fuck...

"Around..." He simply said

"Well, what's your name?" Cece asked.

"Dean... Dean Nyx."

"Nickz? Cece asked.

"Nyx." He told her emphasizing the last name.

"Nyx... It means 'Night'..." Rosa explained quietly and Dean looked at her as he stopped stroking my hair.

"I'm guessing your the smart one." Dean said as a statement and not as a question and she shrugged.

"I've got somewhere to be soon. I'll check you ladies out later..." He said and before he left, he whispered in my ear. "I'll be checking you out too babe..." He stared me down and got in his Black Camero and drove off.

I stood there in a daze and I ignored my friends attempts to snap my head back to real life...

Holy. Snapstick...

"We have a shit-load of homework to do and he just got here. Did he finish his work already?" Roni asked.

"He probably didn't do it." Rose thought out loud shrugging.

"Something's not right about him." I tell them.

"Yea, the guy is dangerously sexy and looks... What's the word...?" Cece asked

"Scary?" I say


The Next Day:

I woke up with an anxious feeling and I had no clue why. It was only the second day of school and i'm pretty confident.

I got up and decided to wear something simple. A floral tank top with white shorts and brown sandals. I layered the outfit with multiple gold braclets and a golden locket I had since I was 14. I tucked the locket in my shirt and I slipped on my brown jacket and zipped it up all the way up.

I hopped in my red Mustang and was about to drive my way to school when I saw a body approach my car.

"Hey babe." I heard a voice say as the body entered my car. I almost screamed when I saw somebody open the door but I started to panic a bit when I saw who it was.

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