Chapter Twenty

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Rosa's POV:

I noticed how much time Steph has been spending away from us as her parents are going through the surprise divorce. I know she needed her space, although our weekly sleepovers weren't the same without the blonde.

The rest of the girls and I we at Roni's house playing Uno and eating Oreo cookies. I must of been extremely into my thoughts because Cece had to snap in front of my fact multiple times to catch my attention:

"Rosey to Earth. Its your turn. I put down a blue 3." Cece told me.

"Right..." I said awkwardly going through my pathetic deck of cards. I placed a blue 2. Cece and Roni must of read my thoughts:

"She's going through a shit time right now. It doesn't feel right either without her." Roni explains as she picks a card from the deck.

"We all go through it. Patience and support is all we can do until she feels better okay?" Cece says gently.

I nod my head, although I'm unsatisfied with their answers.

I hear Cece sigh. "Let's do something else."

"Like what?" Roni asks.

"Talk. We all need to do it." Cece then collects all the cards, put them back in the Uno case, and looks from me to Roni.

"So, who wants to start?" She asks.

"You should. You came up with this brilliant idea." Roni says as she folds her arms behind her head as she leans against her bed.

"Well, the boys aren't as bad as I thought-"

"I knew this conversation would go to them." Roni says, but I noticed that anytime the boys came up, she wasn't as pissed off with them. I guess she tolerates them now, which is a good thing.

"I mean, its all we speak about ever since they got here." Cece says

"All you speak about is Jake-" I say smiling and she throws a pillow at me and we giggle.

"You and Cooper-" Cece starts off but I throw a pillow at her.

"We have nothing going on!" I object sadly.

Its quiet for a moment before I speak again: "Can I ask you guys something?"

"Of course." Roni says sitting up.

I take a deep breath before I speak. "If a-any of us were t-to, you know... spend more time with one of the b-boys..." I stop in mid-sentence.

"You mean to like..." Roni starts off and I nod. They knew where this is going.

"Date?" Cece said incredulously.

"What's the matter with it?" I defend. "What if one of us just happens to fall for the bad boys?"

"No, it's not that! I'm just surprised you guys haven't thought about it! I mean, the fucking drama between us and the boys are practically done! Done! You guys can't tell me a god damn thing about you not thinking about dating one of them." Cece explained to us as if she were talking to dummies.

And she was.

"C'mon Cece, be for real-" Roni tried to say.

"I am! You can't tell me that ever since they came you wanted them! You can't! You wanna know why!?" I couldn't tell if Cece was furious or passionate. It was hard to tell when she was ranting like this.

She continued with all my attention: "Its because we can't stay away... just like them. It was like... instant attraction, even if we didn't like them at first. We still liked them. All this bullshit we talked about to them about how much we hated them, and how much we wanted them gone was a lie, and you know it."

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