Chapter VIII-She's In Love With The Undead

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Rielle's POV
I shuddered at what he said. I was lost for words for a moment, looking back at my dark, twisted past.

"I came from a broken home. Before I lived in North Gate City, I used to live in The Underworld. My mom would beat me, curse me, she even held knives against my throat. I was her personal punching bag. My dad used me as his sex machine. It all started when I was 10 years old. He held me against the wall, and started undressing me, then threw me on the bed. I was scared. He put himself in me. His own daughter. This went on for 5 years. I cut just to ease my pain, but the pain just kept coming. I felt broken and torn. Sometimes he'd bring friends over while drunk and they'd do it to me. I told the King, King Hades and he sentenced them to be crucified. I stood there at their crosses with anger burning in me. They had to pay for their sins, what they did to me. A year later, I left the kingdom and seeked refuge in my granny's house here. And then you met me, this broken whore of a girl."

Grannum's POV
"Don't say that, you're beautiful, sweet, funny, cute and amazing. I'm not perfect, also." I showed her my darkest secret against the guys. I slowly lifted up my sleeves. She was in shock as she saw my scars. "We may be broken, but we can fix each other." We entered a small passageway and crawled through it. The waterfall was breathtaking as the water almost splashed her red hair. She sat on a rock and was crying. I went over to her and hugged her. She mumbled into my chest, "I feel safe when you're with me. I kissed her forehead and told her," It's getting late, we should head back." We walked briskly back to her house and climbed up to her window. " Will you be okay? Are you coming tomorrow?"

Rielle's POV
"If I live." I told him. And in less than a second, he pressed his soft, sweet lips into mine while he was in the air. We moved in sync until he pulled away I pushed him off and landed in a shrub. "Are you sure you'll be okay." He asked, worried. "Go home, Grannum. That meant yes." He left getting his answer. I played Not The American Average by Asking Alexandria and stepped into my bathroom. I still cringed at my past and held my razor tight in hand. I cut and cut and cut until I was numb. I blacked out after one last deep cut.

(A/N photo of Grannum)

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