Baby Bliss!

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I was laying on my bed in agony.

"Janis, where's Victor? I can't hold this baby anymore! She needs to come out..."

"He said he's on his way. Do you want a head start?" She asked me. "I really need to go, too. My internship is calling me."

Soon the door opened. Vic came rushing next to me, and he gave me a kiss on my cheek. It felt so good to feel his lips again.

"Mystic I'm sorry..." He started.

"No time!" I yell. "Help get this baby out of me!!"

He holds my hands tight. "Get ready, Mystic. Now, push!!!!"

I pushed and I pushed, with my screaming filling the air and Vic coaching me to keep going.

Soon enough, we heard squealing. It was our baby!

I finally took a deep breath and relaxed. Vic lets go of my hands, and says, "Good work, babe."

The doctors clean her up, and bundle her and give her to me.

The baby had her eyes wide open, and had Vic's beautiful brown eyes. She had curly hair that was my color of sandy red. She was looking at us and all around the room. Her skin was soft and was as light as Vic.

I felt tears down to my neck. She was absolutely gorgeous.

"I love her already!" Vic beams. "I found out the perfect name."

"What is it, Victor?"

"Maria Isobel Fuentes. A name that I came up with when you were gone."

I smile. "That's the best name ever."

The doctor hands us a birth certificate. I write down her name and they had Maria print her little feet. She was born on March 1st, just a couple of days before her designated due date of March 4th.

Mike came in with Tony and Jaime.

"Here comes the proud uncles!" Mike declared.

They were all crowded around me and Vic, with Maria in Vic's arms.

"How are you feeling?" Mike asked me.

"I'm okay," I say. "Thank you."

"Wow, look at that face. A mixture of the proud parents!" Jaime said.

Mike carries the baby. "What's the girl's name?"

"Maria Isobel," I answer happily.

"Such a perfect name for a perfect niece," Mike says with a dreamy look in his eyes, and then kisses Maria's tiny cheek.

"Don't hog all of Maria!" Tony whines. Mike carefully places Maria in Tony's arms, and he sits down.

"Hi, Maria," he coos. "I'm your new uncle. Welcome to the world, Maria Isobel."

Jaime came and rubs her head of curly red hair.

Maria started getting fussy, and begins to cry.

"I think Maria wants her parents, guys..." Vic smirked as he cautiously takes Maria and comes back to me, and she continues to keep crying.

"It's feeding time," I tell him. "Do you mind?" I unbutton the top part of my hospital shirt and began breast feeding Maria.

Mike squinted his eyes. "Eww..."

"Breast feeding your baby is the most highly recommended feeding method sir," the nurse said. "Maria here is getting natural healthy nutrients from her mother, and not to mention Maria's enjoying it!"

Forever His Doll Face- A Vic Fuentes StoryWhere stories live. Discover now