The Wedding

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I just can't believe that the boy of my dreams kissed me! And were probably gonna kiss in a couple of minutes because my mom is making us get married. I know right. I told you she was trying to find me a husband.

Cody's getting ready and I'm getting ready. I found my mothers wedding dress in her closet. It looks really good on me. That's what Rose said too. Actually she said facepalm, but I knew what she meant.

"Are you even ready for this kind I commitment," Rose texts to me.

It lights up on my phone. I look at her as I read the text.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I text back.

"I mean, you don't even know where your glasses are half the time, now your not gonna know where your child is, and that's bad parenting!" Rose texts.

"Ewwwww!" I scream. "Rose were just getting married for fun it's not serious!"

Cody opens the window.

"Was he listening?" I say to myself in my head.

"Your gonna be late!" Rose says. "Now go out there and have fun!"

She winks at me. What if Cody does wanna make it serious! That would be gross.

I walk down the aisle and my little cousin Gracie is the flower girl. Following her is the ring bearer. He's my little cousin Anthony. As I walk I see Cody waiting for me on the other side of the aisle, with his best man, Erich. I get to the end of the aisle. The priest clears his throat.

"Would you, Cody Simpson, want to take Derp January as your wife." The priest asks.

"I do." Cody says back.

Before the priest speaks again, I see face acne growing on Cody's face. Pimples and warts. His hair starts to turn jet black. Weird huh. So I decide I'm gonna refuse.

"And do you, Derp January, want to take Cody Simpson as your husband?"

"She does, she does!" Cody screams.

"I don't!" I scream.

Everyone gasps.

"I'm sorry Cody, I'm just not ready for this kind of commitment." I say. "But ill still keep the ring if it makes you happy."

I lied. I'm ready for the commitment, but I just don't want a boy with face acne and jet black hair. I told you I was shallow.

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