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Hello lovlies!!!!^•* this is the final update of today (MAYBE) and its going to have EVERY character's (including their friends) P.O.V. so it is going to be decently long. Sorry it took so long to upload.


Alandra's P.O.V.

I thought going to Hogwarts was a good idea at first. I have never felt so wrong. I sit in the back of potions, my first class of the day, trying to stay invisible. The potions master was obviously young but aged by pain and loss. He was the head of Slytherin. His name was Snape.

His deep, nasally voice rang through the class, "Turn to page two hundred ninety four."

I did as I was told, never looking up. I wanted to stay off his radar. I already hated potions and we just opened the book! How was I going to last through seven years of this crap?

"Miss Alandra, read us the tittle of this section, please," he said, suddenly behind me.

"'Wolfbane Potion'" I read as loudly as I could.

"Good. Now, someone tell me what this is." A hand shot up in the front. "Mr. Longbottom?" He said curtly ignoring the girl's hand.

"Uh... I don't know, sir." The boy stuttered out.

"Why am I not surprised? Anyone else? No one? Good. Read the selection for homework and write an essay, twelve scrolls in length."

Collective groans resounded from the center of the room. I knew sighing would only make it worse so I stayed silent. This year was going to be terrible!

Robert's P.O.V.

I walked into potions ready to show Snape what I was made of. I arrived and had just got seated next to a really quiet boy when the lesson began.

"Turn to page two hundred ninety four," Snape snarled.

This class would take forever!

"Miss Alandra, read us the tittle of the section, please," he sneered looking at a shy girl.

"'Wolfbane Potion'" she said, her small voice cracking as she tried to speak loudly.

"Good. Now, someone tell me what this is." A girl's hand shot up from the front of the room. "Mr. Longbottom?"

The girl set her hand down and the quiet boy looked up from his book and muttered a defeated, "Uh.... I don't know, sir."

Snape looked disgusted, "Why am I not surprised? Any one else? No one? Good. Read the selection for homework and write an essay, twelve scrolls in length."

Collective groans resounded all around me, my self included, even though I knew it would only make things worse in the long run. If all my classes were going to take this long, my life was doomed!

Mira's P.O.V.

I strutted into potions hoping it would go better than the last class said it went. They apparently have to do twelve scrolls on Wolfbane Potion! How are they supposed to do twelve scrolls on that stupid potion?! At least the girl named Hermione let us know that the potion was used to keep werewolves from changing during the full moon. She's my savior! Especially since I can barely remember the professor's name!

"Enter!" He said when a shyer student knocked, unsure of wether to enter or not. We had barely sat down when he instructed use to turn to the Wolfbane section. He asked a small girl named Brit to read the tittle. She read it, then just like the other class, he asked us what it was. Almost all of us rose our hands and he chose one of the girls named Addie to tell us what it meant. Even though she hadn't raised her hand she still knew the answer.

With confidence she gave him the right answer.

"Since you children aren't as dumb as the other class, you only need to do five scrolls."

Oh my gosh! You have to be kidding me! This year was going to go by quick this year.

Addie P.O.V.

I am already the favorite of the rudest teacher in the school. That's right. You're looking at professor Snape's new second class favorite. And all I did is answer a question right after he thought I didn't know it. This year was going to be SOOOOOOO easy.


Ill be updating the rest of the characters povs later. Sorry but my iPods going to die. See you later lovelies!!!

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