Anzy's P.O.V.

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Hey everyone!!!! Happy update for you!!!!!


Anzy's P.O.V.


I ran into the bathroom, bawling. I hate him! Ugh! What's wrong with us girls and our boy problems?! Why can't I like one guy and one guy only?

-50 minutes earlier-

"Hey," Mich said in his honey smooth voice.

"Hey," I said, embracing him. We had agreed to meet up at the edge of the forbidden forest to 'talk' as he put it. "So... What'd you need to talk about?"

His gaze flickered hesitantly to mine. "I know. I know about you snogging that Gryffindor. What's his name? James? Yeah. I saw you two by the great hall." his eyes were full of tears now. "Why didn't you tell my Anz? James's a great guy but really? He's three whole school years ahead of you. You'll never have classes with him."

"What? Who told you? Don't tell anyone! James's sister and I share a class and I didn't know she had a brother until that day. Please don't tell," I was crying. I couldn't let her know. She'd KILL me. "I'll do anything!"

"Tell me why, when, how you met. Everything." his face was wet. I knew I had broken his heart. So I did just that. I told him how we'd been dating since the second week, first as a dare, then as something real. Brielle and his friend Jake had set us up. We had snogged on the second day of our relationship, we were exactly in sync. "Go. Go, please. I- I just- I can't. Why'd you do this to me?"

I ran off bumping into Stasia. And ran as fast as my legs could carry me straight to the abandon girls' bathroom and here I am. Crying like a two year old who lost their blankie. In a way, I guess I had. To kids their blanket is their love, life, and comforting protector. Mich was my "blankie" and I had just lost him.

-Present Day-

"Oh, cry, cry, cry, boo hoo hoo. No one will care. They never will," I heard a girl squeal.

"Who are you?" I sniffled up at the ghostly girl.

"Well I'm Moaning Myrtle of course. Now go away," she squeaked. How nice. I'll just go find James and Brielle. They'll know what to do. I scurried out of the restroom and to the Gryffindor portrait.

-Present day-

I arrived at the portrait and asked where Brielle and James were. Inside. Get them, please. Thanks.

"Brielle? James? Mich knows," they let out collective gasps. We all knew this was bad.

Bri was first to speak, "How?"

"He saw us," James guessed. I nodded. "Crap! Does Carolyn know?"

"No. But she's in my potions class and I could easily slip up if things get worse. I don't know what to do," I whimpered as James kissed my forehead.

"It's okay, Babe. We'll tell Carolyn tonight and then everyone can know." he stroked my hair for a few minutes.

" 'Kay. Let's do this." I said bravely. Thirteen minutes later, we were sitting with Carolyn in the Slytherin common room. It was awkward.

"Carolyn?" James said snapping her out of her dais.

"Yeah?" she asked mellowly.

"We need to talk to you." she looked at me suspiciously.

"She's not pregnant is she?"

I stood up but jake put his hand on my arm making me sit. "No. But she is my girlfriend."

She stood up shocked. "B- but you're three YEARS older than her! What the heck, James! Mum taught you better than that! I can't wait to send her an owl about this. You're screwed. You know how she gets. What blood is she? Hmm?"

"Sh- she's muggle born," he muttered.

"Oh! This just gets better and better. You're dating a girl three YEARS younger than you and she's a freaking MUDBLOOD?!" Carolyn screamed. "Kiss your life goodbye now! Because Mum's either going to kill you or shun you. You're a filthy blood traitor and you know it."

She stormed out and we followed. "I- I'm so sorry, James. I see I'm only hurting you. If you want to break up, I understand. Just please do it now."

The shock in his eyes was evident. "I'd never leave you because my Mum's crazy about a person's blood status. Never." He leaned down, kissing my nose gently. "Now lets get you to your dorm. It's time for you to rest."

I looked at the tower. Nine o'clock. Man, it got late. We walked to the Ravenclaw common room and I headed off to my dorm before sending James off. Dang. I was one lucky chick.


Hey all my wonderful readers. Sorry for the language but I had to make the girl a real Slytherin. Also, sorry it's short. Ill make it up to you all next chapter. Promise. See you later lovelies!!!! ^~*

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