Sorting Day

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Hey everyone!!!!^•* This is the first literal chapter in my story "My First Year at Hogwarts". I only got one vote (from SpazBall) so here it is. I'll rotate each point of view at least once each chapter.


Brit's P.O.V.

What do I do?! Oh no! Mum's gonna KILL me! I'm lost. So there's platform six but when I move to the next pillar, it says four and when I go to the other one, it says eight! What do I DO?! Then, I looked across the way and saw platforms five, seven, nine, and ten.

FINALLY!!! I began to cross over to the direction of platform nine but I was stopped short by a girl with a brown and blonde streaked emo cut running into me, full force like she didn't know where she was going.

The girl looked at me startled, "H- Hi. I'm Anazelia. But all my friends call me Anzy. And... Do you know where platform 9 3/4 is? I can't seem to find it." She seemed super nervous so I shook her extended hand.

"And I'm Brit. Brit Chandler."

Hopefully, this girl becomes a friend and NOT a foe. I already knew this year was going to be interesting.

Anazelia's P.O.V.

I was lost! What kind of sick joke is this?! Platform 9 3/4?! These people are sick! I ran around like an idiot before I ran head on into a random girl. I felt so sorry.

"H- hi. I'm Anazelia. But my friends call me Anzy. And... Do you know where platform 9 3/4 is? I can't seem to find it." I said nervously. Pink with embarrassment. She looked at me questioningly before grabbing my hand in a friendly yet formal hand shake.

"Hi. I'm Brit. Brit Chandler." she said cooly before we began to walk. My trolley and myself not more than four feet from her. "Now," she said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Take a running start towards the middle of platforms nine and ten."

I gave her a quick look my eyes screaming "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!" but she looked so sure so I took off in a sprint, bracing myself for the impact that was sure to come. But none came. Instead the air changed. It became full of life and energy. I turned around to see the words "Platform 9 3/4". Holy crap. So it wasn't a hoax or some kind of cruel joke. Platform 9 3/4 did exist. In front of me stood a giant train, labeled "Hogwarts Express". Stasia, Mich, Adriana, and Briella were soon by my side as we began to board.

"Where'd you run off to?" Stasia asked worriedly.

"Well, I was obviously coming here!" I said before she wrapped in a bone crushing hug. "Can't breathe!" I whimpered, making her release. "And, I was also making a new friend.... I think. Her name's Brit!"

Briella gave me a look only she could pull off. "We were worried sick about you!"

"Jeez, Bri, if you're going to be like this every year, I think I'll quit school now!" I said jokingly, receiving a joking glare and a warm embrace.

The train bellowed out a warning noise causing , Briella, Mich, Adriana, Stasia, that Brit chick, and myself to run on the train. My friends and I watched as Brit sauntered to go find the booth with her friends in it. My group and I traveled to the back and began to talk about which house we thought we'd be in. The all hoped we'd be put in Gryffindor together so there wouldn't be any probable tension.

We entered the great hall in a scared manner. As we took our seats, we watched the legendary Professor Mcgonagall walk to the podium. She was another major aspect on why being in Gryffindor was so important to us. She then began listing off the names. I watched Mich and Briella be placed in Gryffindor, Adriana be placed in Slytherin and Stasia placed in Hufflepuff. I was starting to get worried. I wanted to be in the same house as at least one of my friends.

"Adams, Anazelia," she called. I walked down the aisle in a disguise of false bravado. As the sorting was placed on my head, I became quite nervous.

"Aaaah! Another great mind! My my my... Now, where to put you?"

"Slytherin! Slytherin! Slytherin!" I thought to myself.

"No... Slytherin just won't do...." He said quietly. He said the las one loudly causing people at one of the four tables to applaud. "RAVENCLAW!" the table in blue cheered loudly as I got encouraging smiles, waves, and winks for my friends.

Selene's P.O.V.

I watched as Mira,Sandra and Tilda were each put in different houses. Mira to Slytherin, Tilda to Ravenclaw, and Sandra to Gryffindor. So far sorting was horrible! I had just watched a girl named Anazelia be put in Ravenclaw with Tilda. Then, my name was said.

"Jones, Selene," the old woman called my name off the scroll.

The hat had barely touched my head before hooting a resounding "HUFFLEPUFF!" causing the table in yellow to clap. This was the worst thing that could happen! Four friends, four houses, a different person to each house. How unfair!

Brownie's P.O.V.

"Adams, Browyn!" the woman named Mcgonagall called. Halle, Jess, and Freya were all placed in the one house I wanted. Slytherin. I knew that as a pureblood, I was probably going to end up there anyways.

I sat down and the hat didn't even touch my hair before calling my dream come true. "SLYTHERIN!"

I sat down at the table in green next to Halle, Jess, and Freya. This year just got better.


Well here it is chapter 1. Sorry it took so long. I wanted it to be kind of long. Ill be updating soon!

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