Potions part 2

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Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter is short my iPod is being stupid and got rid of over half this chapter and I'm just to mad to rewrite it. Also, we're up to 95 readers and if I get forty votes by nine thirty tonight (it's 2:36 right now) I'll change my profile picture to an embarrassing baby pic.

(Same for my sis so fan SpazBall, and if she gets seven followers she'll change hers to the same pic.)


Brit's P.O.V.

Alan walked me to potions before heading off to transfiguration. He was my best friend and it was never weird between us when we talked. We never run out of things to say.

We hugged right before I entered. He had potions after this and had heard that Snape was cruel and ruthless today. What's new? According to the higher classmen, this attitude was nothing new.

"Take a seat and open to the selection on the Wolfbane potion," I haven't even sat down and my book was open and my quill, ink, and parchment were all out in front of me. "Ugh. You children are never doing what I say! I said Wolfbane!"

As soon as I sat down, I was ready to get back up. He's a jerk!

"Now that you imbeciles found the right page, some one please tell me what Wolfbane is."

I shot up my hand, when he called on another girl apparently named Stasia, my dreams were crushed. I just need to have this class be over so I can go to divination. I'm super excited since it's my favorite subject and all. The rest of the class was pretty much Snape ranting and assigning eight scrolls on Wolfbane.

Stasia's P.O.V.

I walked into potions, ready to make or break it in my third class. The other two classes (Defense Against Dark Arts and Transfiguration) went well, leaving two very good teachers remembering my name. I sat down and opened my book, as commanded, and listened to Snape ramble about our incompetence and then raised my hand when he asked for a volunteer. I, of course, got it right. The class was uneventful and we ended up with only eight scrolls.

Jeremy's P.O.V.

I went to potions class alone. I later learned the names of two girls. Brit (I sat across from her) and Stasia (she was called on and became Snape's favorite in that class).

The class homework amount was ridiculous. Along with a transfiguration paper, and a defense against dark arts project I now have an eight page essay due the same day as the other two. Goody! NOT!!!!!

Mich's P.O.V.

I walked into potions, not quiet sure what kind of war zone I was entering. The last three classes walked out mumbling bits about twelve, eight, and five scrolls on Wolfbane due Monday. That's the craziest stuff I've ever heard of! I warned everyone to do what he says and know every answer when he called on them. That didn't happen and I walked away with fourteen scrolls on Wolfbane. And here is how:

"Open your books to the selection on the Wolfbane potion and I want one of you to answer as well as your minute intelligence levels will allow," Snape sneered at us. "You! Adams! What is the Wolfbane potion?"

His daring stare was directed to a girl named Browyn (a.k.a. Brownie as she liked to be called), she stuttered unsure of herself. "Wo- Wolfbane... Sir, is used to keep a werewolf from changing during the full moon and is usually taken three days before, every day during, and three days after the full moon cycle." When she finished, she looked surprised that she didn't puke. Honestly, I was just as shocked.

Snape looked shocked. He didnt expect to lose and it infuriated him.

The end. That's how I ended up with fourteen scrolls on Wolfbane for homework.

Brownie's P.O.V.

I walked into potions, sending that I was going to mess something up. I had never been more right. I'm the reason the whole class is stuck with fourteen scrolls on Wolfbane for homework. You've probably already heard the rumors. I did better than Snape intended, he got ticked, and assigned mountains of homework. The end.

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