The Drama is Real

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THX @KylieJeanTodd for requesting!!!


This has got to be the best decision SM has made for Luhan. He loved dramas. So what better way to enjoy the experience than to be in an actual drama. Sehun and Xiumin were there as well, but for moral support and company.

It was his first day and he had yet to meet his co-star. They were going to be in a school drama together and a person by the name of (Y/N) was going to be the male lead. However, the director was ranting about his dislikes toward the man.

" Where the hell is that punk? Why can't he just come on time for once, huh?!"

" Maybe if your staff wasn't so clingy I would be able to get here without trouble," a stoic voice replied. The director visibly tensed and turned to the door of the classroom they were going to be filming in. The three Exo members looked as well.

Standing there was a tall male with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. He looked like he would play the rebellious teen in a drama, with (f/c) highlights in his hair and three piercings on his (left/right) ear. His makeup was done to accentuate his eyes and his uniform sleeves were rolled up, revealing multiple wrist bands.

So of course Luhan blushed slightly at the sight. Who wouldn't? Even Xiumin and Sehun were impressed by his confident aura, that held a gentle touch to it.

The taller man walked up to the trio before stopping in front of them. The spectators in the room expected him to act coldly towards them, but he did the exact opposite by smiling at Luhan and holding out his hand.

" The name's (Y/N). I hope we work well together." Of course Luhan shook his hand( not wanting to anger him and get beaten up), but he didn't want to pull away once he did. The ( blonde, ravenette, albino, etc.)'s hand was so big and warm, he couldn't help but let the thought of the actor holding him in his arms cross his mind( as well as a few other thoughts).......

The taller man released Luhan's hand before turning and walking away gracefully, getting ready for their first scene together.

This was going to be a long 10 weeks.



During recording, Luhan and (Y/N) put on their acting faces and made sure to play their parts to the best of their abilities. Off camera, the men took to getting to know each other better. Luhan learned that he wasn't as scary as he made out to be in front of certain people. He was actually a gentle guy with a soft spot for sweets. Said actor learned that Luhan had a bit of a tsundere personality, insisting he was manly, but blushed if you said he was too cute to be manly. Or at least he blushed whenever (Y/N) said it.



The professionals exchanged numbers in a professional way.

(Y/N) managed to slip his number into Luhan's locker in the classroom they were filming in, and Luhan texted him the same day. Nobody suspected that they were actually texting each other during the scenes they were supposed to be fake texting, as well as in between shots.



Luhan was upset. He learned that he would soon have to do a kissing scene with an actress that he didn't like. He told (Y/N) and the male just sighed before saying it was one kiss, and that once it was over, her wouldn't have to deal with it again.

" I don't like her either, but it has to be done." Luhan pouted before agreeing, not noticing the blush that spread across the (h/c)-haired male's face.



Luhan began to notice (Y/N) acting strangely lately. He would avoid him sometimes and would glare at almost everyone. Luhan wanted to confront him about it, but (Y/N) was scary when he was like that. So he let it be.



Luhan was genuinely terrified when (Y/N) pinned him to a wall in the studio after filming. Thoughts of all the things he could possibly do flashed through his mind and the musician was practically in tears. He was extremely shocked, however, when the (blonde, ravenette, albino, etc.) kissed him. It wasn't so soft that he couldn't feel it, and it wasn't rough and overbearing. The kiss was perfect, and Luhan could feel every emotion that the taller male was feeling for him at the time. They pulled away, and Luhan smiled brightly when he heard those three words that would make his day.

" I love you, Luhan." The men would have to keep, their relationship secret for a while, but to Luhan, it was worth it.

" I love you, too, (Y/N)."


Hey. It's me again. Sorry for taking forever. And I don't think I'll be updating this story for a bit once I get the Rap Monster one shot done. It's not you, it's me. Again, sorry. I hope you enjoyed!

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