Got Jams?

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Dedicated to my newfound friend, kpoplover876.

Thank you for all the support and being there!

Let the fluff/crack commence!!!!!


When Jimin said that he had a cousin, no one would believe him until he proved it. So when Jimin walked into the practice room with a (f/c) ipod, claiming that it was his cousin's, they didn't really believe him. Of course, Namjoon was interested in what songs were on the device, so when no one was around, he swiped it and scrolled through the music.

'Since when did Jimin HAVE JAMS?' The male thought to himself. Some of the best beats Namjoon has ever heard were on that iPod, and JIMIN walked in with it.

Just as the rapper was about to put the iPod down, he let it slip and fall to the ground. Everything happened in slow motion. The device slipping from his grasp, it making contact with the ground, the sickening crack it made.

Picking up the iPod, Namjoon thought it was a simple screen crack, easy fix..... until the bottom half of the device fell to the ground.

Namjoon's eyes widened considerably, and he didn't anticipate getting caught so soon. Just as he was trying to pick up the pieces, a short male with (h/l), (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes walked in the room. He had a bored look on his (s/c) face, and Namjoon couldn't help but wince as the man's expression scrunched up into one of utter rage. And then he wanted to crawl in a corner and die when that same glare was directed towards him.

"What the actual HELL?!" the male shouted. Luckily the other members were gone, otherwise Namjoon would be in even more trouble. This guy was small, but he was scarier than whenever Jin got angry. "W-well, I can explain-," "How's about you explain AFTER I punch your lights out!" Just as the man was going to advance on the idol, Jimin happened to return to the room.

"Hey, have you seen my cousin's iPod...... oh. Hey (Name). What brings you here....? What happened to your iPod?!" Jimin shouted as he noticed the situation. "What do you think? This idiot right here broke it!"

"Wait, wait, hold on a sec. You mean to tell me.... that THAT is your COUSIN?!" Namjoon queried incredulously, pointing a finger at the (blonde, ravenette, albino, etc.). Jimin sighed and (Name)'s glare intensified. "Keep pointing and I'll bite it off." Namjoon jumped back slightly and sighed. "Well. What do I have to do to pay you back?" Jimin gasped in horror and (Name) let an unnerving smirk spread across his (pink, red) lips.


I'll post part two later.........
Bet you can't guess what's wrong with Name-kun.......

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