I'm sorry!!!!!!

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Please don't skip this!

So I really need to apologize for my late updates. Recently, I've been really sick, with a disease called angiohemophilia.

It's an inherited disease so no, if you don't already have, you cannot get it.

It doesn't go away or anything like that, but it can be managed with medication to slow down heavy bleeding and give the body enough time to clot...... In other words...... I'm on birth control (among other things) despite being a guy.

So again sorry for not updating in so long. My boyfriend was being a worry wart and wouldn't let me update while I was supposed to be resting.

I have a Luhan X Seme! Reader story to update that will be longer than usual. I also have a Rap Monster one shot to do, so it will be a bit before I can update. I still have to take it easy.

I may or may not wish you guys Merry Christmas with a special oneshot featuring you, me, and a whole lot of EXO........... could be a lemon... I don't know....

Thank you for the supportive comments and votes. They mean a lot to me.


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