I find I room I've never been in before. At least I like I haven't. I walk in and it sorta looks like a workshop. Old toys and books and bottled
Liquids. Suddenly flashes of memories pop into my head and I don't know if they are real or not.
I keep walking and I soon find a spotlight shining on this book. The cover of the book says the history of the time war. I open it up and it feels like I've read it before but I continue anyway. "Oh my God!" I say out loud but no too loud. There it is the Doctor's name. I won't say it though if he wouldn't tell me it must have been important. He tells me everything. River song knew though. She was married to him though wasn't she. Maybe one day he'll tell me until then I'll keep it to myself. I close the book and walk in between the book shelf. I find this small TARDIS it's sorta round and looks like it was made by a child. But it also looks oddly familiar. I walk out of the room because it's starting to make my head hurt for some reason. I walk straight this time because there's another hallway. I find this one room that has a bunch of pictures. All of them paintings with names underneath them kinda like a museum. It's a long room and it's not really wide kinda like a hall way. The first painting on the right is me. Underneath it, it says "Clara Oswald
Companion of 11 +12"The one on the left to me is of a man and a woman. The women has bright orange hair and is laughing in the painting I think and the man has light brown hair and is looking at the woman lovingly. Underneath their painting says " Amelia Pond and Rory Williams
Companion of 11"The next painting (next to mine) is a painting of a girl with reddish hair and has a smirk on her face. A bit of a sassy one. Underneath her painting it says "Donna Noble
Companion of 10"Next to Amelia and Rory is a painting of a covered girl who looks about my age. Her hair is up and she's smirking like Donna. Underneath her painting it says "Martha Jones
Companion of 10"Next to to Donna is a blonde girl with her hair pined up out of her face . She's actually smiling like me in my painting. Underneath her painting it says "Rose Tyler
Companion of 9 and 10"
Rose I say to myself. That name sounds familiar. Oh yeah the doctor was talking about her before. He looked sad. I decide to go back in the room I was in before.I walk in to the room and find a book shelf. The books on shelf have names on them like the paintings. I look for the book that say rose.I found it!
All the things I should have done before
FanfictionThis story is a WHOUFFALDI fanfic told from Clara's p.o.v and it takes place durring dark water.Btw I'm not that great a writer and this my my first fanfic so keep that in mind. Leave your comments on each chapter for me please if love to hear them...