part 3:Caught in the action

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The door swings open as Ray is kissing Malina. But who is it?
  There stands Harley and James with their face full of shock. "What are you doing with my girlfriend!" Screamed James. Ray then begins to try to explain but James didn't let him.

James ran full speed at Ray with fire in his eyes, the two begin to fight with bloody knuckles. Malina and Harley then tries to stop them but before they could get close to them , security ran in and broke them up.

The four was separated by security due to fighting which is violation if the rules. After several hours of cooling down security let them go. But the four friends said nothing to each other.

The four begin to think about how much they love each other, so the best way to resolve this situation is to talk it out. So they all wanted to meet at the sky deck at 6p.m..

6:00p.m. came and Malina, Harley, and James all met with each other st their location. But there was no sign of Ray at all, so they all went to look for him as a group.

They then arrives at Rays room door.

Malina begins knocking on the door constantly harder and harder, but no one answered and that was pretty unusual about Ray. But with one simple twist on the door knob they opened the door.

The door opened, they couldn't believe what they saw. There was Ray covered in blood along with a bullet to the head, with a gun by his side.
Stay tuned for part 4 tomorrow.

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