Chapter 2

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*Katie above

Aria's P.O.V

Another day in hell I thought to my self as I got ready for school. 

 "ARIA!!!  Get your stupid @ss down here NOW!!" "Ugh, I hate my life" 

I said as I walked down the stairs.

  As usual there was nothing of what I had made this morning. 

 I grabbed an apple, right when I was about to take a bite I heard the most annoying voice.  Guess who's voice it was.  Katie. 

She annoys the crap outta me.  "Your gonna eat that whole apple? Your such a fat pig."  I looked at her incredulously.  

Is she serious right now.  I don't know what came over me but it came out before I knew what was happening.  

"You know just because I eat real food doesn't make me fat.  Your a skanky @ss b*tch who probably only eats two pieces of lettuce a day. So you can take whatever else you had to say and shove it up your @ss or tell someone who actually gives a shit, because quite frankly I don't f*cking care!!!"

  The whole room stood still shell shocked.  Katie was beyond mad. 

 She stalked towards me and slapped me across the face.  I just stood there, used to being hit. 

 Due to the slap the apple fell out of my hand and rolled on the floor.  

She walked over to it while huffing furiously, I watched her stomp on the apple to try and prove a point. 

 But she only managed to slip on the apple with her 8 inch high heels. 

 I stood there with a smug look on my face as everyone started to laughing as she face planted.  

She looked up with what i think was supposed to be a sexy pout, but instead looked like she was constipated, and made her way towards Cole who was standing on the side watching in amusement. 

 "Baby, she embarrassed me." she said to cole fluttering her eyelashes and clinging to his arm as if her life depended on it.  

It looked as if he was debating defending her or me.  My heart fluttered a little at the thought, but i pushed it away quickly.  

Truth be told i sorta kinda have a crush on him, well anyways it seems as if Cole has made a decision as he looks at me but doesnʻt meet my eyes as he says "extra chores for the whole month." 

 He quickly turned away from me and Katie was there with a victorious smirk.

She came up to me and whispered in my ear "I will always win."

Ugh she such a bitch. So much drama and we didn't even start school yet.  Deciding against taking another apple i grabbed my bag and pedaled to school.

I got to school later than usual and then had locker trouble.  Running to class i heard the bell ring indicating that i was late for class. 

Seriously, somebody out there must seriously hate me.  I was still 5 min away from class because my locker was on the other side of the school.  

At least i had Mrs. Fell first period.  She teaches art and is my favorite teacher.

Sheʻs the only teacher that tell off the bullies and makes sure iʻm okay because she knows what happened to my parents and doesnʻt blame even though everyone else does.

I walked in and was met with one of her warm smiles. 

She motioned for me to take a seat and i obeyed.  I looked around and spotted the only empty seat left was next to Cole.  

Mrs. Fell started the class by taking roll and passing out the syllabus for the school year. 

I pretty much zoned out because i already knew what she was going to say until she said one thing that caught my attention.  "Class this will be your permanents seats for the rest of the year, so i hope you picked wisely."

My eyes widened as i looked at Cole who seemed to be having the same reaction as me.

We looked at each other but quickly looked away.

I didn't look at him for the rest of the class, although i could feel his eyes burning into the side of my head.

When the period was over i gathered my things and booked it to my locker so i could grab all my things for the next class.  

On the way there i was tripped insulted and called names.  

Everyone circled around me and started laughing, Then they started to disappear.

My guess was that Cole was coming, so i as quickly as i could started gathering all my papers.

It seems as if i wasn't fast enough because i felt his presence behind me.  What shocked was he bent down to help me pick up all my stuff.

I picked up the last book and stood up. Cole stood as well and handed me my things.  

I thanked him with  a shy smile and turned and walked away. 

I wished he liked me, but it's just not possible. He's the next in line alpha  and star basketball player.  It's  not possible for him to like me the nerdy, omega that everyone else hates.  

With these thought i wiped the tears that managed to escape and headed toward my next class. 


A/N Hey guys Kalei here.  I know that this chapter was kinda sucky but i hope i can get better at writing.  I hope you guys enjoy.  Comment below your favorite color.

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