Chapter 1

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Beep beep beep.... ugh it monday. My first day of senior year. I looked at the clock that is on the side of my bed ( if you could call it one) and saw that it was 5:00. I cant believe that the weekend is over already. I drag myself out of bed and get ready for what i like to call hell aka school. I don't wanna go to school today knowing that i have no friends to hang out with and am gonna have to eat lunch in the back of the library like i always do.

After i brush my teeth i go to take a shower which i do every morning. After i get out i looked at the tme, it was now 5:45, which meant i had 15 min to get ready before i had to go make make breakfast for everyone. I get dressed in my favorite black skinny jeans with dark grey hoodie and a beanie. After getting dressed i look in the mirror one last time. 

 Im not ugly but im not pretty either, i am average height and a little too skinny because i have to eat what everyone else doesnt want. Living in a house full of werewolves there not much that they don't eat. I have pale skin and hazel eyes. I am 17 years old and my birthdays next month.  Iʻm so excited, iʻll finally be able to meet my mate. Oh, and my name is Aria. 

 I slip on my white converse then head upstairs. I start making breakfast which is bacon, eggs, toast, and just whatever i can find. As i'm finishing up and about to head out of the kitchen I hear voices at the end of the hall and i can tell that it's the alpha's son and his two best friends. I can also hear the sound of brittany and katies screachy voices or as i like to call the the pack sluts. I slip out of the kitchen before they're able to cause any trouble with me. 

 Being the omega of the pack makes me the punching bag. My parents died in a rogue attack protecting me when i was ten, leaving me orphaned. Everybody blames me for killing them. Although the alphas son has never hit me or been mean to me at all the rest of the pack or such a**holes to me, i actually don't think that the alphas son knows because if he did he wouldn't tolerate it because he's too kind hearted. I grab my backpack and start biking it to school. I go to Northview High, it is an all werewolf school. It's about a 20 min. ride from the pack house.

I enter the school halls early so that i can get my schedule and locker number. I go to see our schools secretary in the office. As i eneter she doesn't even acknowledge me, instead she just keeps playing cndy crush on her phone and chews her gum obnoxiously loud. After a few attemps to get her attention subtly with no avail, i say " excuse me maam." If looks could kill i'd probably be 6 ft under. 

 After looking at me with a disgusted look as if i'm the scum of the earth she said with so much sarcasm "What do you need, sweetie?" "My classes and locker number, please." She then went to give my schedule and locker number info. As i walk to my locker as see that i have five minute till school starts. I finally find my locker and i still remember where all the classs are from last year so i wasnt late. 

As i walked into my first class which is english i heard the bell ring and saw everybody already seated or taking their seats. I also noticed that Cole (Alphas son), Jace (beta) and Jordan (TIC) were in this class. They have something about them that just commands for everyone to notice them. They were all sitting in back row, a good spot to not pay attention, sleep or just zone out. 

Because i was the last one in class there was only one seat open, right in front of the teacher. I didn't mind though, i always loved school and learning and all the teachers loved me, you could say i was a teachers pet. 

 Even though i was the omega i was still a good girl, got all A's, and never disobeyed. As class went on i heard the class fooling around behind me, which is how it usually went. They played around and didn't pay attention, While i took notes and answered any questios the teacher asked and when at home forced to do everyone homework or else i'll get a beating. 

 The rest of the day went like a blur, turns out cole was in all of my classes so was jace, jordan, and in very few classes katie, one of them being my last class. When the last bell rang i tried to get out of class as fast as i could, key word TRIED, while trying to get past everyone katie decided that it would be funny to trip me. Me being me , clumsy and disorientated, fell in front of everyone and dropped my stuff everywhere. 

Everyone laughed and i was completely humiliated. I gathered my stuff and ran out, as i was running i heard cole ask what happened, i didn't stick around to hear the answer. I pedalled home as fast as i could, made dinner and escaped to the one place that i know they won't bother me. My bedroom. I fell asleep thinking about how my life would have been if my parents were still here.

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